Example sentences of "[noun pl] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These 11 large folio books , designated ‘ The Lawrence Notebooks ’ , were compiled over 30 years from the 1890s and contain detailed notes for a comprehensive history of stage scenery and technical appliances , together with lives of the most prominent scenic artists .
2 These artistic predilections went hand in hand with a marked interest in aesthetic theory His notebooks of 1862-for instance , contain comments under the heading " On the Essence of Music " , which are probably notes for a two-part Germania essay on " The Demonic in Music " , and , again , a set of Emersonian reflection on Nature , beauty and art .
4 At first the spy thought he had stumbled on something worth investigating : Wordsworth carried a telescope , and Coleridge was surveying the river ( he was in fact making notes for a projected long poem , The Brook ) ; furthermore , Coleridge 's oft-repeated references to ‘ Spy Nosy ’ were assumed by the Home Office spy to be aimed at him personally — he had presumably never heard of Spinoza , the philosopher of the moment .
5 A teacher from an urban school , discussing the reasons for a recent teachers ' strike , said that not only were salaries low when the amount of time worked outside classroom hours was taken into account , but also teachers often had to pay for classroom materials out of their own pockets , if they wanted to have any .
6 Managers say that prudent lending and a close knowledge of local people are the reasons for a 34 per cent leap in net profits .
7 They consulted the archbishop or archbishops , took their advice , did not persist if the archbishop brought good reasons for a contrary opinion , and did not allow their ‘ patronage secretary ’ any ‘ independent ’ authority .
8 These are four reasons for a centrally-controlled curriculum given by officials of the textbook board in Islamabad ( Pakistan ) .
9 And this is one of the reasons for a fundamental element in the Benedictine tradition : the independence of each abbey from every other : an independence only mitigated in early days by the right of the bishop to visit — where the monastery had not asserted a right to be exempt from the bishop — and , from the thirteenth century on , by the formation of congregations of houses to establish some kind of common action , control and system of visitation .
10 The prosecutor wanted the trial to resume on October the thirtieth , but the magistrate accepted Mrs Mandela 's lawyer , Ishmael Eyob 's reasons for a later trial date .
11 The reasons for a Third American Revolution have not gone away .
12 There can be a number of reasons for a slow response .
13 Call for new inquiry into plane disaster : Marc Champion in Washington explains why some investigators suspect the US and Canadian governments hushed up the reasons for a 1985 plane crash
14 SWINGEING UK premium hikes were one of the major reasons for a dramatic profits turnround by insurance giant Commercial Union in the third quarter of 1992 .
15 But there are good reasons for a principled limitation to linguistic contexts : first , the relation between a lexical item and extralinguistic contexts is often crucially mediated by the purely linguistic contexts ( consider the possible relations between horse and the extra-linguistic situation in That 's a horse and There are no horses here ) ; second , any aspect of an extra-linguistic context can in principle be mirrored linguistically ; and , third , linguistic context is more easily controlled and manipulated .
16 Conversely , whilst there may in a few cases be valid reasons for a high quality paper not being submitted to such journals , it could be argued that in some cases publication outside the core represents a negative value judgement on the quality of that research .
17 Conversely , whilst there may in a few cases be valid reasons for a high quality paper not being submitted to such journals , it could be argued that in some cases publication outside the core represents a negative value judgement on the quality of that research .
18 Various more or less precise suggestions as to the structure of such a federation were put forward by different writers in the earlier years of this period — by the Quaker William Penn in his Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe ( 1693 ) , by another Quaker , John Bellers , in his Some Reasons for an European State ( London , 1710 ) , by the author of the anonymous Cardinal Alberoni 's Scheme for reducing the Turkish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes ( London , 1736 ) and by Saint-Pierre himself .
19 Thus in university towns and cities , there is often comparatively little gonorrhoea compared with the large urban areas , where shifting populations seem to be one of the reasons for an increased prevalence of the venereal diseases .
20 There are two reasons for an inadequate performance .
21 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
22 There is no step which he is prepared to call rational from the factual supporting reasons for an ethical conclusion , to that conclusion .
23 The men were taken into a tent and allowed to look at a group of objects for a short period after which they had to recall every detail they had observed .
24 He was immediately seized and thrown into prison , where he remained in chains for a further seventeen years , finally falling sick and dying before a suddenly contrite Alfonso could order his chains removed .
25 In May the men of Devon agreed to pay the enormous fine of 5,000 marks for the disafforestment of their county outside the bounds of Dartmoor and Exmoor Forests , and the men of ‘ Hertfordlythe ’ ( Hartforth ) in North Yorkshire owed 100 marks and two palfreys for a similar charter in respect of their forest .
26 Consequently , in contrast to the single set of accounts for a profit-oriented organization , the non-profit organization needs a series of accounts for each service .
27 The Secretary-General is appointed by the Council by a two-thirds majority of the member states for a five-year term .
28 Passive nonlinear resonator theory , described by equations ( 7.5 ) with C> 0 and thus y 0 , was originally developed in the context of optical bistability ( OB ) : I x in the state equation ( 7.6 ) can clearly be a multivalued function of y , which corresponds to an optical device that can have two or more transmission states for a single-input field , and can thus act as an optical memory device ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
29 If not , the proposal would then be put to the Council of eleven member states for a qualified majority vote .
30 * Free of all personal taxes for a basic rate income taxpayer .
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