Example sentences of "[noun pl] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The evaluation of investment risks is generally accepted to be a corporate responsibility .
2 The evaluation of investment risks is generally accepted to be a corporate responsibility .
3 Research in the Arts is mostly conducted on an individual basis and it is not possible to do full justice to this activity here .
4 Without these criticism lacks intellectual rigour , and is unable to justify itself adequately in a world in which the personal and social utility of the arts is increasingly called into question .
5 Student involvement in the arts is especially encouraged and as well as the theatre being used regularly by the Department of English , Media and Theatre Studies for productions and teaching , the University Drama Group and the Ballet and Contemporary Dance Society regularly use the Riverside for their own public presentations .
6 Student involvement in the arts is especially encouraged and as well as the theatre being used regularly by the Department of English , Media and Theatre Studies for productions and teaching , the University Drama Group and the Ballet and Contemporary Dance Society regularly use the Riverside for their own public presentations .
7 Although Cal Arts is now associated with a distinctive West Coast style , Baldessari was influential in bringing in East Coast and European artists — Joseph Kosuth , Robert Smithson , Lawrence Weiner , Daniel Buren , Hans Haacke , Sol LeWitt .
8 It is quite feasible that band members will have contributed to the composition of songs in different amounts , so the income received from the band 's songs is often split to reflect this .
9 The probability of each of the possible tag combinations is then found from the transition matrices and the words assigned the relevant grammatical scores .
10 If everyone knows and obeys the rules traffic flow and safety at roundabouts is much improved .
11 The development of the role of the British state in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is often portrayed as the establishment of ‘ the welfare state ’ .
12 One which is too large to be housed conveniently between one pair of covers is often split into two , four , six , eight or ten volumes each separately bound .
13 In using the by no means original sociological concept of ‘ careers ’ we do not wish to imply that action of the part of soccer fans is somehow determined by a restricting set of institutional restraints .
14 The importance of the economic support provided by husbands is neatly illustrated by working class women 's attitudes towards marriage breakdown .
15 If the presumption of wives ' financial dependence on their husbands is not outdated in the 1980s , equitable treatment of the sexes in tax , pensions , social security and the financial arrangements on divorce may not be achieved by equal treatment .
16 According to data from animal perfusion systems , net sodium movement even in glucose containing solutions is linearly related to sodium concentration of the perfusate and this pertains equally in secreting intestine , although the threshold at which sodium absorption occurs is higher in the secretory state ( 120 mmol/l v 60 mmol/l ) .
17 A search through many alternative solutions is often required .
18 A search through many alternative solutions is often required .
19 This , together with perfectly competitive markets for labour and other inputs and the assumption that all firms are fully informed about the most profitable factor combinations , has the effect that discretion over production methods is also ruled out .
20 One of two methods is generally applied : the ‘ illustrative cut ’ of individual projects and commitments , or the percentage cut across the board .
21 A nurse who is trained in research methods is ideally placed , she believes , to act as a go-between between doctor and patient .
22 There are , however , no hard and fast rules and a ‘ cocktail ’ of methods is sometimes adopted in complex cases ; the basis to be adopted depends entirely on the facts of each case , especially for holdings of between 25% and 50.1% .
23 In household pets whose exercise is limited the presence of the tracheal nodules is well tolerated , and animals can survive for long periods with little distress .
24 Under these standards , virgin forest can not be cleared for plantations , unproductive land must be reforested , and use of pesticides is strictly controlled .
25 The close link in Britain between television series and the best-seller lists is not reflected worldwide .
26 When it does not spring from mere distaste for all that is foreign , hostility to party lists is commonly associated with obsessive and fatalistic mistrust of political parties themselves .
27 Dislike of party lists is often fortified by dark suspicions about the quality of the candidates they supposedly include .
28 Again and again in different documents it is emphasized that ‘ in the sacrament of the eucharistic bread the unity of all believers is both expressed and brought about ’ ( Lumen Gentium 3 ) , the Eucharistic celebration is ‘ the centre and culmination of the whole life of the Christian community ’ ( Christus Dominus 30 ) .
29 Thus , the introduction of inventory ordering by retailers from wholesalers or manufacturers is not introduced — though this is a rapidly growing application for viewdata .
30 The meaning of this phrase was never very clear , but it now seems that whatever it meant , the availability of these two remedies is not limited in this way .
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