Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the time " in BNC.

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1 There were editorial fumings in The Times ( 15 August 1898 ) about ‘ the East-End or suburban ‘ scorcher ’ ’ , dashing along quiet country roads and through peaceful villages with loud shouts and sulphurous language , and reckless of life and limb ’ , and The Lancet ( 6 August 1898 ) saw fit to have a medical entry on ‘ The Fool on the Cycle ’ .
2 The success experienced among the eastern Angles with the conversion of Eorpwald may have been due in part at least to the influence of older patterns established by missionaries in the time of Raedwald , but nevertheless it testifies to Eadwine 's real influence in the East Anglian area at this time .
3 Despite that , I managed to speak 322 words in the time left to me by Labour Members and Ministers .
4 They are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
5 If this extraordinary statement involved a blindness to reality , it provided no warning of the storm of anger and abuse which my series of articles in The Times was to generate among Israelis and their supporters in Britain .
6 In a series of articles in The Times to celebrate Mrs Thatcher 's ten years as leader ( 11 , 12 , and 13 February 1985 ) he wrote that she had inherited ‘ forty years of muddled policy ’ .
7 Significant reductions in the time required to retrieve files
8 A trade agreement provided for a reduction of customs duties on goods traded by the two countries ( thus extending most favoured nation status to the Soviet Union and improving the competitiveness of each country 's goods in the other 's markets ) ; the agreement also provided for better copyright protection for US companies and for reductions in the time US companies would have to wait for approval to begin commercial operations in the Soviet Union .
9 He pursued not only economies of scale but also reductions in the time occupied by movements which occurred within establishments so that labour could be used efficiently .
10 He was greatly saddened by the death of his only son in action at Ypres , and in 1917 he published two poems in The Times , ‘ Bond and Free ’ and ‘ Wooden Crosses ’ , which aroused wide interest .
11 It would seem that the region of Powys in north-east Wales remained as much in the front-line of warfare with the northern Angles in the time of Eadwine as it had been when Aethelfrith defeated the men of Powys at Chester .
12 And I had read many of Miss Hayes-Drummond 's pieces in The Times — admirably rational , objective and sincere .
13 The face is dished , like that of the Jersey , and it probably has some Jersey blood from the nineteenth century , while the brindling probably comes from the old Normandy Isigny variety , a good butter producer and big enough to be used as a draught ox on Alderney and Guernsey , whither it was taken by monks in the time of William the Conqueror .
14 And when you for example , see ads in the Times , you know , these pathetic people who say , I 've lost my filofax , five thousand pounds reward to anybody who gives it back to me , because my life is in ruins .
15 For example , of five headteachers invited to give reactions in the Times Educational Supplement ( 10 April 1981 ) , two were very positive , one somewhat neutral , and two hostile .
16 A Sumerian version names five important cities in the time before the flood , and they link with separately preserved lists of pre-flood kings whose ages far exceeded those of the patriarchs in Genesis 5 .
17 He became a zealous agent of Thomas Cromwell in the Dissolution and , according to John Foxe , ‘ repented him very muche that he had made Songes to Popish Ditties in the time of his blindnes ’ and seemingly abandoned composition .
18 Firstly , because there are wide variations between different ethnic groups in the time of arrival in this country and their age on entry , the numbers of those who have reached advanced years , in general small , differs greatly between groups .
19 There were no significant differences between the two groups in the time taken to establish a diagnosis , the mean duration of preoperative treatment , or the length of stay in hospital ( after allowance for the decline in average length of stay of all hospital patients between the two periods ) .
20 It is as much as you can do to read the job advertisements in the Times Educational Supplement , let alone the leader .
21 [ Obituaries in The Times , 18 December 1857 , and Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers , vol. xviii , 1858 , p. 203 ; J. L. Pritchard , Sir George Cayley , 1961 ; C. H. Gibbs-Smith , Sir George Cayley 's Aeronautics , 1962 ; Gerard Fairlie and Elizabeth Cayley , The Life of a Genius , 1965 ; P. Brett , The Rise and Fall of the York Whig Club , 1989 . ]
22 [ John Cowper Powys , Dorothy M. Richardson , 1931 ; John Rosenberg , Dorothy Richardson : the Genius they Forgot , 1973 ; Gloria G. Fromm , Dorothy Richardson : a Biography , 1977 ; obituaries in The Times and Manchester Guardian , 18 June 1957 . ]
23 [ T. E. M. Boll , Miss May Sinclair : Novelist , 1973 ; obituaries in The Times and New York Times , 15 November 1946 . ]
24 Bonnie Langford explains that the songs from the show were big hits in the time of the 1930s depression .
25 Isidore of Seville ( d. 636 ) summed it all up thus : ‘ many who bear the attacks of the adversary and resist the desires of the flesh are martyrs , even in the time of peace , in virtue of this self-immolation to God in their heart : they would have been martyrs in the time of the persecutions ’ .
26 Er but we dealt with quite a few serious accidents in the time I was there .
27 Dillons , meanwhile , thought catalogues were ‘ extremely important ’ , and was inserting its spring and summer selections in the Times .
28 Light goes maybe 30 metres in the time it takes sound to travel the 0.2mm thickness of the emulsion .
29 One Harvard team for instance , punted out Campbell & Armstrong , and Rockwood Holdings on the basis of write-ups in The Times .
30 On Jan. 6 the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 726 which " strongly condemned " the issuing of the deportation order , and the Security Council reaffirmed the applicability of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in the time of war to all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 , including Jerusalem .
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