Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , there might be more politics in the branches of the Young Conservatives , with the activities of committed freemarket ideologists in greater evidence .
2 He recovered his manners in polite confusion .
3 Saying Grace is not always a prelude to conventional manners in Free Kirk households as I once found when asked to offer the Grace in a cottage in Point , Lewis , in which the great aunt of a friend lived .
4 But there may also be another process which helps to keep the trees and the clumps in good heart .
5 The Organisers shall effect insurance covering the above- mentioned risks in such sum as shall be adequate in all the circumstances for the benefit of the Organisers and the University .
6 There could even be real health risks in such therapy .
7 In the other condition subjects viewed the same films in the same manner but described only the risks and potential risks in each section of film .
8 Doctors agree that there are no risks in regular exercise , as long as you start gently and gradually build up to the more strenuous activities . ’
9 The two main city obstetric units in Leicestershire possibly care for women with differing risk profiles , so that the excess risks in one population are offset by different excess risks in the other .
10 But from now on underwriters will be able to take on risks in any sector and brokers will no longer be forced to traipse around the market to place different strands of business with individual underwriters .
11 But from now on underwriters will be able to take on risks in any sector and brokers will no longer be forced to traipse around the market to place different strands of business with individual underwriters .
12 Of course paying for childcare could be used against women — the most obvious danger being that it could be made selective ( on class or race lines ) or conditional upon certain standards of maternal behaviour — but there are risks in any advance .
13 This is not to deny that — as the rude awakening for the debtor countries of 1982 showed only too clearly — there were risks in unregulated credit creation .
14 It is known , for example , that there are serious risks in heavy smoking during pregnancy .
15 The Leverhulme study also devoted one volume specifically to the arts in higher education ( Robinson 1982 ) , but although this contained much interesting material , particularly on social and anthropological views of the arts , it did little to establish their epistemological base .
16 I would say that the CNAA was responsible for establishing the arts in higher education , first as subjects valid for higher education , and second as subjects valuable to the country , in other words it helped to establish a national reputation for the arts at this level , which had never existed before .
17 There , as elsewhere , ‘ perhaps the most depressing thing is the lack of interest shown by so many towards the beauty and power of the arts in enriching worship ’ .
18 These difficulties , it is argued , although in part the result of the marginalization of the arts in British education at national level , are also caused by the failure of arts educators to come to terms with the reasonable expectations of those charged with administering INSET at local level and thereby exploit more effectively the support for the arts of those charged with administering education .
19 There was dark-haired Marise , red-headed Paula and blonde Wendy , all involved in the arts in some way , as well as a rather serious and intense kidney specialist from the hospital , Dr Terri Myers , who was separated from her husband and was two or three years older than Tom himself .
20 This was particularly the case when Marcia Williams , having been powerfully lobbied by Arnold Wesker , was determined to persuade Harold Wilson to bestow some extra support on ‘ Centre 42 ’ , which was Wesker 's notion of an organisation to supervise the growth of the arts in this country .
21 The Women Artists Slide Library offers a specific focus for women and the arts in this country today and works under a great deal of pressure to maintain this position each year .
22 We must sustain the infrastructure of the arts in this time of recession by spreading the funds available to all forms of the arts and not to a select few with a special clout .
23 It involves supposing that Scaevola practised a healthy indifference to linguistic distinctions held valid and significant by his contemporaries and successors in Roman jurisprudence .
24 As one of Hugh 's successors in that school , ‘ Master Achard ’ took part in the theological controversies of the 1150s , emerging as a sharp critic of Peter Lombard .
25 Old cigarette and washing powder advertisements proclaim products long gone , their successors in limited supply .
26 This project will examine the experiences and characteristics in early adulthood of people who had truanted when at school .
27 Not only are these characteristics in stark contrast with the possibilities for ordinary adjectives , they can not hold for these inherently restrictive adjectives unchaperoned by an article : ( 28 ) second had roses on it Max owns best that has been discovered so far
28 Essentially the approach has been to try and identify the factors or characteristics that are associated with cases or situations of abuse , to assume that these are qualitatively different from the rest of the population and finally to hypothesize that these factors or characteristics in some way relate to the basic cause(s) of the problem .
29 None of the male characters is initially typified by reference to physical characteristics in this way .
30 There 's none of the sentimentality associated with pets in this country .
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