Example sentences of "[noun pl] and which [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
2 It would be disastrous to morale to introduce a high-powered multiple indicator methodology in order to isolate which staff really are poor performers and which above average .
3 Will the Government issue clear guidance on which responsibilities will fall to health authorities and which to social services ?
4 I add my voice to the condemnation of the activity of the Provisional IRA which has pertained in Northern Ireland for more than 20 years and which in this case was clearly sectarian as it killed seven Protestant workers .
5 He had also taken charge of a madrigal society which performed in the Hanover Square Rooms and which from May 1856 was known as Henry Leslie 's Choir .
6 It will be readily appreciated how important it is to agree on a name which reflects the separate identities ( and vanities ) of the firms involved without assuming Dickensian proportions and which at the same time commands the approval of any public relations consultant who has been engaged .
7 Civic Forum , the movement which had emerged to lead the November 1989 revolution in the Czech lands and which with its Slovak sister organization Public Against Violence had won the June 1990 general election [ see p. 37542-43 ] , elected the Federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus as its first chair at a delegates ' meeting in Prague on Oct. 13 .
8 While it is true to say that there is no simple relation of general application in the case of materials at large strains there are certain general principles which have been formulated by the theoreticians and which in particular cases lead to expressions capable of experimental test .
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