Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
2 Our rent levels have always been in line in the case of tenants guidelines and I of course there were savings that about is insufficient in in in areas .
3 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
4 A timetable covering the completion of our work and of the transaction under the terms of the engagement will be drawn up and agreed between the directors and us by [ date ] .
5 Most film crews want as little to do with their subjects as possible , yet the Ashleys immediately-became involved in our lives and we in theirs .
6 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
7 In spite of frequent and prolonged separation from them , she was devoted to her sons and they to her , and the death of her elder son , Lionel , from tuberculosis in 1890 was a shattering blow .
8 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
9 There were four headmasters and they From Not from Girran because there was only the one high school , but from er Prestwick , Glenbuck and that , and the used to meet on a Saturday at Turnbelly to play golf .
10 So I er we used to catch these blackbirds and them in a and pull the string and they used er try and catch them and we used to we used to kill them and and pluck them
11 She regularly bent Minton 's ear with her problems and he in turn as regularly did take-offs of her doing this .
12 First , in some models , income is distinguished by source on the grounds that different sorts of incomes are received by different sorts of persons and they in turn would have different propensities to consume .
13 He said : ‘ The priest is rather drastic in his actions and we in LIFE do not go along with it . ’
14 The Tech is funded in this sort of way by the er , er national arrangements and they in their turn has passing that on to various suppliers .
15 I lurk in shadows and them in me .
16 I designed and made the drawings for some jigs and we made them I 'd two or three men with me and they made these jigs and them underneath the sets .
17 They cry themselves to sleep , he behind his wooden bars and she on the big sagging bed .
18 The Pascoes and Fosters on the box fired the imaginations of the Coes and Crams and they in their turn the Jacksons and Backleys .
19 As the saying goes ‘ we clicked ’ and thus began a friendship and correspondence between Ella Shields and me over a period of years until her death in 1952 .
20 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
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