Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The boy blushed to his ears and owned to it .
2 She put her hands over her ears and walked along the beach , to sit up in the sand dunes , where Gazzer found her … .
3 At the Chair he pricked his ears and sailed over the gaping ditch with such abandon that he pecked slightly on the landing side .
4 The doctor , still chatting away , put her stethoscope in her ears and listened to Phoebe 's chest and heart , then had her sit up and tapped her back .
5 She threw her arms round the horse 's neck and in return , it flicked its ears and snickered with pleasure .
6 Fiver looked as though he were about to speak , but then shook his ears and turned to nibbling at a dandelion .
7 To determine the origin of the cloned IRS-PCR products , amplification products were used as probes and hybridized to Sfi I partially digested GM06318 DNA ; all 7 products tested hybridized to a fragment between 600 and 670 kb in size and multiple smaller fragments ( data not shown ) .
8 Other people in the hotel had heard the screams and came into our room .
9 Local man Paul McAllister heard the screams and raced to the scene with a ladder which he used to reach a bedroom window .
10 Sanchez uncrossed his legs and looked towards the pit .
11 I sat with my head between my legs and looked at the dirt-encrusted toenails of the silent Yugoslavian on my left until-'Jennings ' was called from the next room .
12 Robbie averted her eyes from those muscular legs and looked at him consideringly .
13 Guards met him , helped him out , standing back , their heads bowed , as he stretched his legs and looked about him .
14 Rex was trapped by his legs and had to be cut free .
15 She punched his face and kicked his legs and tore at his abdomen .
16 Then , clicking his heels together , he turned on his short legs and marched from the room .
17 Immediately it sprouted numerous legs and scrabbled for a purchase .
18 I got into bed beside my sleeping daughter , peeled aside all but one of the covers and went to sleep .
19 Then she rose and went over to the bed , pulled back the covers and slipped between the cool , fresh sheets .
20 ‘ The Jew from Babylon ’ is an enthralling tale about a Jewish sorcerer , a believer in the faith , hated by demons and disapproved of by rabbis , who in old age endures a turmoil which ends his life .
21 But I saw him with his cap full of golden sovereigns and turned on the table and lent them all he 'd got .
22 ‘ And I guess that a player like me is loved by one half of the fans and hated by the other half .
23 Yet within Oxford her energies and charm were employed chiefly in defence of the home students , a growing society that included mature students and foreigners and prospered under her quietly autocratic but kindly regime .
24 About 1 pm they got the signals and moved round the curve into Northgate tunnel and headed for Llandudno .
25 She tied the strings of their aprons and did up their buttons , and she sat between them at their bread and milk breakfast which was at half past seven .
26 As food particles are swept by , they are caught by the tentacles and passed by them down to the mouth .
27 The whole mass dropped into the pit and a moment later the big slab was snatched up by several dozen tentacles and slammed into place , leaving a number of thrashing limbs trapped around the edge .
28 In 1954 one was washed ashore in Norway that measured 9 metres from the end of its body to the tip of its outstretched tentacles and weighed about a ton .
29 She loved her ballet and tap dancing sessions and longed to be a ballet dancer but , at 5ft 10 ½ inches , was too tall .
30 Outgoing and engaging , she is the only girl in a household of brothers and confessed to being the pet of the family .
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