Example sentences of "[noun pl] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , there has been feeling of surprise at just how much energy the ideologists of the Soviet regime expended in the fight against what was then known as ‘ anti-Soviet ’ art .
2 When asked about the Holocaust , Le Pen , in common with other antisemitic ideologists of the extreme right , questioned whether the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War actually took place .
3 Moreover , it was by no means a majority view , even amongst the ideologists of the double standard .
4 The evangelical Hannah More , in her Thoughts on the Importance Or the Manners of the Great to General Society in 1788 , noted that : ‘ Reformation must begin with the GREAT or it will never be effectual .
5 When the character of Harlequin , the Comic Lover , had become familiar in England he was quickly promoted to lead the pantomimes ; nowhere in ballet does he rise to more commanding heights than as Captain Belaye in Cranko , s Pineapple Poll , where he takes on the superior airs and manners of the British Navy and becomes the apple of every girl 's eye .
6 The skull , which has a unique heterodont dentition , does not exhibit any of the specializations of the major dinosaurian clades ( Ornithischia , Sauropodomorpha , Theropoda ) .
7 The heterostracans were associated with the hagfishes , chiefly because they lacked the specializations of the nasohypophysial opening and because they have a single branchial opening ( see below ) .
8 There are several clumps of the non-climbing spring sweet pea Lathyrus vernus ‘ that hardly anybody grows ’ : it has small purple and blue flowers and helps to fill out the border .
9 On arrival at Guildhall , I found beautiful floral decorations everywhere , and the route to the Print Room lined by Pikemen and Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company .
10 Presumably the reason why the lights appear stationary while the " ghost " is seen to revolve is that during the duration of any light the stimulus from it is accompanied by fused after-images of the other three .
11 The managed multi-currency loan was devised to minimise the risks of the single currency type by switching your loan between currencies .
12 General Kopyion had ordered that the criminals should not be stopped in deep space due to the risks of the nuclear device being detonated .
13 ‘ Hitler 's power to bewitch an audience has been likened to the occult arts of the African medicine-man or the Asiatic Shaman .
14 ( He gave examples in an Appendix , for he was a scholar of the age of the Enlightenment and frankly admired the arts of the native peoples of the islands . )
15 The experience of watching my late husband 's 16-year fight against the degenerative effects of Parkinson 's disease ( one of those conditions which might one day benefit from embryo research ) causes me to write this letter in the hope that all who take part in the debates will recognise and confound these tactics of the anti-abortion pressure groups , quite rightly described by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service as ‘ an attempt to hijack government legislation ’ .
16 In the combat tactics of the early days , however , the French shone , for this was a form of warfare ideally suited to their individualistic temperament ( though , later , it was to be the cause of grievous losses ) .
17 With the rise of fascism came a change in the tactics of the Communist International and the French communist party .
18 With his main enemy removed , Scapula might have cause for congratulation , but this was soon forgotten in the savage guerrilla-type tactics of the untamed Silures , whom Scapula had unwisely threatened to exterminate .
19 The failure of Iraqi units to respond to the increasingly aggressive tactics of the allied ground forces gave further credence to reports of low morale and inadequate supply .
20 Southwood was not much interested in the tactics of the Labour movement .
21 The Marxists never quite reconciled themselves either to the policies , the leadership or the tactics of the Labour Party .
22 Uncharacteristically , France even looked unable to combat the streetwise tactics of the Welsh .
23 The strategies and tactics of the public relations service are always sharply focused and aligned to the marketing objectives when brand public relations work is done .
24 Of course , even if consideration is restricted to essentially short-term factors , Mrs Thatcher 's poor performance in the ballot can not be attributed solely to the strategy and tactics of the respective campaigns .
25 I AM not worried by the tactics of the Tory Whips during the Maastricht debate because any government has the right to expect members elected on its manifesto to push its business through the House .
26 Information that has now come to light about the political gulags and the Gestapo tactics of the secret police has certainly done much to underline the totalitarian essences of even the ‘ soft ’ regimes .
27 ‘ It was n't technology that doomed nuclear power in the US , nor was it the dedicated obstructionist tactics of the anti-nuclear forces , effective though they were .
28 Now the increasingly hard-nosed tactics of the popular press have driven society gossip underground , and gossip columns are mostly filled with the doings of the lower echelons of café society on the make .
29 The agenda specified the election of sixteen members to each of the ten Conciliar Commissions — the successors of the preparatory ones .
30 problems of identification also arise when portraits are less individualised , as in the case of the immediate successors of the Roman Emperor Augustus , who modelled their portraits on the founder of their dynasty .
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