Example sentences of "[noun pl] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The aim is to give the readers a better Perspective than could be obtained by examining a large number of separate reports of individual companies .
2 Yet Rider Haggard seems to have been dissatisfied with his presentation of the character ( and naturally he must have been influenced , as a professional novelist , by the enormous popularity and sales of She ) and he did not resist the temptation to give his readers a further insight into her .
3 With our new awareness of animal needs , the more forward looking factory farmers are now seeking ways of offering farm animals a better life .
4 Although the extra representation for zemstva did not arise out of St Petersburg 's enthusiasm for local government ( but out of the determination of central agencies to prevent any one of their number dominating the rest ) , it nevertheless ensured " a large dose of decentralization " in primary education and gave primary schools a better chance than they would have had otherwise .
5 Frederick Starr calls the second and third principles " decentralization " ( which involved giving local officials more power but preserved the notion of bureaucratic or " ministerial " hegemony ) and " self-government " ( which meant introducing representative organs and giving non-bureaucrats in the provinces a larger say in the management of their affairs ) .
6 The Marina hood was priced competitively at £26 and the two Triton tubes and lighting units a further £34 , a bit prices for my budget , but correct lighting is so important for overall presentation that the results are well worth the extra expense .
7 But the context of the anger response gives Paul 's words a deeper dimension still .
8 1.5 Business methods A further problem which frequently arises in practice is the ability of an employer to claim that information about " business methods " or " business organisation " constitutes a business secret which is protectable .
9 Blay 's Guides , the financial information publishing company , has launched a new range of databases to help financial advisers offer their clients a wider range of advice .
10 It does give clients a stronger voice ’ .
11 For some assignments with less experienced clients it will be appropriate to set out in detail and at some length the scope of the MAS and KPMG involvement at each stage ; for more experienced clients a shorter approach may be appropriate .
12 For more experienced clients a shorter approach may be appropriate .
13 ‘ Devoting more airtime to music means we can offer listeners a broader range of singles and albums , ’ said Paul Robinson , chairman of the playlist panel of producers and DJs who select the records to be played .
14 In 1982 after Mexico said it was unable to pay its debts , the IMF ( International Monetary Fund ) moved to prevent a crisis , and in return for giving debtor countries a longer time to pay , the IMF laid down austerity measures — with dire consequences for the poor .
15 The European Commission must now decide whether to give broadcasters a harder push towards D2 MAC or bow to lack of interest .
16 To give the engineers a better appreciation of this aspect I encouraged them to learn to fly up to private pilot standard and I am happy to say this was approached by many of them with considerable enthusiasm .
17 The conservation area legislation also gives local planners a stronger degree of control over shopfronts than any other part of the building or type of building .
18 And with your support , we can help give even more of these youngsters a better start in life .
19 This is , for example , stated negatively in Romer J 's dictum in Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd to the effect that a director need not ‘ exhibit in the performance of his duties a greater degree of skill than may reasonably be expected from a person of his knowledge and experience .
20 This gives the technicians a better idea of your voice and relaxes you .
21 The USA pressed instead for a full 12-month moratorium on involuntary repatriation in order to give refugees a greater opportunity to take advantage of voluntary repatriation schemes ; the Vietnamese government proposed a nine-month moratorium .
22 Most politicians , and probably most of the general public , whatever their political party , regard it as in principle a sensible innovation , certainly one that will give parents a better notion of what they ought to expect , in whatever part of the country their children may go to school .
23 By apparently offering parents a greater choice of schools , these provisions — as indeed those establishing grant-maintained schools — seek to increase their power as ‘ consumers ’ .
24 Will my hon. Friend consider allowing working women in such circumstances a greater disregard ?
25 In some circumstances a better curve for countering an apparent concavity of form can be a very flat cycloid , like a five centred arch .
26 It seems reasonable to conclude that the situation described by economists as a " backward-sloping supply curve for labour " , meaning that contrary to expectations a higher price produces a decrease in labour offered , was less generally true in the mid eighteenth century than it had been earlier .
27 Giving them and other first-time buyers a higher rate of tax relief for an initial period will help to ease the financial pressures of the early days of home ownership .
28 If companies had to say how many died and were injured in their service each year , it might give the life and death of workers a higher priority .
29 The pact would speed up the privatisation of 4,000 medium-sized and small state enterprises by giving workers a greater say in running them .
30 Islander sports a wider quarter berth than the Vancouver 27 .
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