Example sentences of "[noun pl] the [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The German star routed defending champion Wayne Ferreira of South Africa 6–3 , 6–4 in 56 minutes the fastest final since John McEnroe took four minutes longer to dispose of Kim Warwick in 1980 .
2 The drive through the 40 junctions ( not including the practice section ) took an average of 40 minutes the shortest time being 34 minutes and the longest being 57 minutes .
3 What is certain is that for countless ages the greatest mountain range on earth will continue to form an impenetrable barrier to the terrestrial animals that live north and south of it .
4 In the new system , after a registered kidney donor has died , the hospital to which he or she has been taken contacts the nearest computer centre .
5 It was further felt that in some cases the lowest tender tended to gain the contract at the expense of better quality work because of the financial restrictions the Housing Executive Board have allowed to be placed on them .
6 In both cases the best way to ensure a good , long-lasting image is to take a photocopy .
7 In such cases the best course is for the lease to remain silent , leaving problems to be resolved as and when they arise .
8 Nor is it quite certain that the ordinary law Courts are in all cases the best body for adjudicating upon the offences or the errors of civil servants .
9 The type of stone seemed to matter , since in many cases the nearest source was eschewed in favour of more distant origins , the most famous case being the bluestones of Stonehenge , brought 200 miles ( 300km ) from the Preseli Mountains in Wales .
10 Walsh returned to Britain this season and has had trials with several clubs the latest being First Division Southampton .
11 This has given the East Germans the best standard of living in East Europe .
12 So we set some of our comics the toughest challenge of all make us laugh about Maastricht .
13 WHY : Bad living conditions and lack of space are facts of British prison life ; but for many prisoners the greatest hardship is isolation .
14 The Greens are , of course , tributary left , at times in spate , at other times the merest trickle , all according to the refreshments offered by fickle public opinion .
15 We made two sales last year at around four times the highest price paid for Chadwick at auction .
16 THE New York Times announced it is buying the Boston Globe for a record one billion dollars , making the Times the biggest newspaper company in the US north east .
17 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
18 They will particularly have to be wary of the aerial threat posed by striker Kevin Francis , at 6ft 7ins the tallest player in the Football League .
19 Pericles , no less than Kleon , was proof that knowledge , even or especially routine knowledge , is power , and it is that which makes Pericles the greatest demagogue of them all .
20 For anyone building their first few projects the best advice is to avoid any mains powered project .
21 On a rocky eminence commanding what was for centuries the lowest point at which the Forth could be bridged , the castle — on the site of a Roman fort — and its steeply pitched town stand between what was once a marshy plain and the shadowy beginnings of the Highlands beyond , with the Ochils and Trossachs already edging in .
22 Perhaps for many of the fans the best moment of all came at the end of the fifth Test , when Tony Greig went out and ‘ grovelled ’ before them .
23 But to most morel fanatics the best way to serve them up is sautéd in butter with a hint of salt and fresh ground pepper .
24 Moving his head a fraction , he opened his eyes the merest slit and scowled at her from under thick dark lashes .
25 So they , that funds the best part of a careers officer
26 Some will give the personal aspects the highest priority because of accumulated experience which shows that a client who is not emotionally ready for the severe belt-tightening and discipline involved in emerging from serious debt , will not stay the course .
27 ( At present , securities houses offer their private clients the best price in the market , even if they are not offering it on their screens . )
28 From birth to nine months the best method is an approved rear-facing carrier held in place by rear seat belts .
29 For the abnormal subareas the highest efficiency was with a percentage of abnormal areas of 0.033 or more ( sensitivity 0.65 , specificity 1.0 ) .
30 The problem is getting it to the surface , and in rural areas the best way is by handpump .
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