Example sentences of "[pers pn] [am/are] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
2 Staff and participants involved in them are now asking critical questions about the future of such projects .
3 Dr. Ethelwynn Trewavas , well-known to cichlid keepers for her work on African Cichlids , and I are now collaborating on a paper on this subject .
4 I must n't become a bore on the subject , but I have to say that in physical terms Tod and I are now feeling absolutely terrific .
5 I am now writing a history of the company in readiness for its centenary in 1999 .
6 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to film at Jodrell Bank on the afternoon of Wednesday 14 June .
7 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to arrive at the factory at 3.30 pm on 13 June and to briefly film two areas of the Kit-Kat production line : the cascade of finished and wrapped bars and the slower moving line of unwrapped bars .
8 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
9 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
10 We are a whole and this is the me that I am now writing about .
11 I am now writing a New Canto of Don Juan …
12 Further to my telephone conversation with your assistant , I am now writing to ask if Aspinwall & Co can help us with an important project related to the above .
13 I had just told him that on my arrival in South Africa I received a pressing invitation to Rhodesia , where I am now writing .
14 Further to Mrs Armstrong 's letter of 8 September 1992 , in which she indicated that your Library would be willing to lend its Slezer drawings to our Slezer exhibition this summer , I am now writing to finalise arrangements .
15 Another prisoner wrote to me recently , and I am now seeking to get him transferred to a prison nearer his home in Liverpool .
16 Well it appears I am now elevated to the glorious role of being the contact point for the Bard of Sweden .
17 I want to take the initiative a step further , which is why I am now appealing for other British companies to join us in providing this help for our troops .
18 After keeping tropicals I am now venturing into marines , but I am disillusioned .
19 He himself , he says , does ‘ not belong to the party that would condemn the common and familiar ways of speaking ’ , according to which we know many things at the level of appearances , such as that I am now seated rather than standing , and that fire appears hot rather than cold .
20 I am now using three photographs that I took in Kenya , plus back-up material for specific areas , from six books .
21 I am now using three photographs that I took in Kenya , plus back-up material for specific areas , from six books .
22 I am now using a polyfilter and carbon to remove the copper .
23 I am referring , after all , to a series of very minor errors on my part and the course I am now pursuing is merely a means of pre-empting any ‘ problems ’ before one arises .
24 I am now pursuing civil legal action and if need be publish it in my local daily paper and some other well known daily papers .
25 Janice Flook ( Mrs Boniface ) writes ‘ after a varied career during which I migrated from chemistry to computing to telecommunications , I am now enjoying the early years of our son Keith who was born last year .
26 I am now enjoying being part of the scene at Southport . ’
27 I am now enlisted to help and between us we put a temporary stop on the blood loss .
28 Er coming next to our priorities on special educational needs , erm I attended a , a and conference as recently as last Saturday and I did n't know it all already , I did , er I am now determined that
29 He noted his reading and his earnings : ‘ Thoreau I am now reading with interest and pleasure .
30 I am now reading Uitsmijter 's transcript of what the laibon had on his mind .
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