Example sentences of "[pers pn] [am/are] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The two of them are off to ride for Britain in the European championships … their first big international test … their time has come …
2 I am here to receive your homage in dark silence .
3 I am here to enjoy myself , man , ’ he said hoarsely .
4 The Government have a duty and I am here to answer it — — if the House will give me an opportunity .
5 I am here to listen and learn , my Lord Chairman , ’ she said in her clear and authoritative voice .
6 I am here to listen to all my colleagues and to all hon. Members and anyone else who wishes to make representations to me .
7 ‘ Maybe you 're right , ’ he said with razor-sharp precision , ‘ maybe I am here to sleep with her .
8 I am here to watch you . ’
9 I am here to give you advice .
10 I am here to underline [ pause ] , to confirm [ pause ] , to tell you with the utmost conviction [ longish pause ] that because we are behind you , the basic situation is that we move forward [ slight pause ] together .
11 As long as I am here to remind you I shall never let you forget .
12 I am here to plead my case with my father 's creditors and to sell the family jewels , I suppose it is selfish of me to be concerned with such trifles when you have such pressing concerns like where you shall live , in the London home or at Summer Lodge . ’
13 ‘ But madam , I am here to serve you , ’ she began , belatedly hearing these commands .
14 I am here to act as a … a chairman , an impartial chairman , and I 've let myself be carried away .
15 I am here to stay .
16 But this is what I am here to discuss .
17 ‘ Briefly , counsellor , I am here to keep you in business . ’
18 Mike Curley , a director of the Faroe Seafood Company in Grimsby , a main importer of Faroese fish , said : ‘ I am here to protect the jobs of 320 people involved in processing fish here in Grimsby . ’
19 I am here to supervise them , ’ she said .
20 Perhaps I should stress , once again , that I am here to help .
21 And that means that all these questions you are jumping in with will be answered as part of the statement I am here to make .
22 I am here to make speeches and take part in processions .
23 I am here to encourage the parties to do exactly that . ’
24 I am here to warn you that your work must stop .
25 I am here to work in a London drama academy , to teach — ah , yes — deportment .
26 I said ‘ I am here to tell you something but if you do n't want to listen to me I am not going to listen to you either . ’
27 I am here to tell you that it does .
28 Well , I am here to tell you the opposite , and you 'd better believe me .
29 Television critic , I am here to tell you , is the only job in journalism I know which obviates the need to ever get out of bed .
30 I am here to ensure that the laws of the land are obeyed . ’
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