Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] at a " in BNC.

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1 She sits at a tea table with MR .
2 Her claims to be heard are based on her spiritual topic matter and the historical accident that she writes at a time when she believes more has been revealed about the divine and therefore she possesses ‘ more information ’ than previously .
3 Be careful when she swats at a fly or a spider , she may swat you by mistake .
4 He points at a young blond amateur heavyweight who looks like a fraternity kid .
5 It had been discovered in the eighteenth century that light does not travel instantaneously from source to observer ; rather , it goes at a certain speed , about 186,000 miles ( 300,000 kilometers ) a second .
6 When Buck goes to a diner , he sits at a table opposite a creepy woman with a nervous tic who keeps running a grey rubber mouse over her face .
7 There he sits at a table , a confident and debonaire man-about-town , a bachelor with even a touch of the dandy about him .
8 He looks at a wooden fence , a section of which was ripped away when the dead man fell back with the bullet in his heart , and he suggests what must have happened .
9 this fixed fee competitive scenario , then we will insist that we are actually comparing apples with apples and not apples with pears , whe when the client looks at our fee and he looks at an external consultant 's or another railway internal consultant 's fee
10 She characterizes it as a ‘ micropolitical structure ’ in itself , which ‘ underlies and supports the macropolitical structure ’ ; and she alleges that it lies at a ‘ crucial point ’ ( 1977 : 179 , 191 ) between open , and concealed , political control and resistance .
11 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
12 He 's been granted bail , provided he lives at a secret address .
13 It stands at a point where firm ground lies close to the river Derwent , and from olden times has been the site of an important river crossing , first by ferry , later by bridge .
14 Stukeley 's brief description ( p. 84 , Vol. i ) reads ‘ Brigcasterton … was fenced about with a deep mote on two sides , the river supplying its use on the other two ; for it stands at an angle , and the Romans made a little curve in the road here on purpose to take it in , as it offered itself so conveniently , then rectified the obliquity on the other side of the town ; it consists of one street running through its length upon the road ; the great ditch and banks are called the Dikes .
15 ‘ ( 1 ) … where an individual is adjudged bankrupt and he has at a relevant time … entered into a transaction with any person at an undervalue , the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate may apply to the court for an order under this section .
16 It looks at a lesson as a sequence of natural units of teaching and learning .
17 Ambiguous as to whether or not Singer drowned himself , it looks at an era — 1964 to 1979 — during which the spirit of rapacious capitalism he personified was at any rate submerged .
18 For a continuously varying trait ( let us use human size as an example ) , the value of the trait in an individual is probably determined by what genes it has at a large number of genetic loci , together with the effect of the environment .
19 In other words , if we choose coordinates so that the linearised flow near the origin takes the form we can use these equations to work out the point on the side of B where a trajectory emerges from B if it starts at a point on the top face of B. ( We assume that the box B is a cube with faces which are part of the planes .
20 He starts at a medieval Gothic window , a remnant of the first university in central Europe ( founded 1348 ) ; he pauses at the rebuilt Bethlehem Chapel , the site of where the Mass was first allowed in Czech , and Jan Hus preached before being burnt for heresy in 1413 ; he pays respects to the relics of the Jewish quarter with its ancient and crowded graveyard ; to cross the river he uses the Charles Bridge , lined with Baroque statues ( many between 1700 and 1720 ) , and climbs the hill to the Castle where art and architecture of all periods again further embellish the golden city of central Europe .
21 ‘ We stand first for responsible opposition , ’ he says at an incontro in the palazzo of a Milanese business grandee .
22 bases on which he arrives at a decision that he may sometimes find considerable difficulty in making a good case on paper for some action he may have taken , even though he feels , and subsequent events may prove , that action to have been perfectly correct .
23 In it , through a strict linguistic analysis of the words of the Koran , he arrives at an interpretation of the prophet Muhammad 's teaching that is in tune with modern philosophic and scientific thought .
24 In The Favour , The Watch And The Very Big Fish Bob Hoskins plays a Paris photographer of religious themes who has to find a model for Christ on the cross and comes up with Jeff Goldblum , an ex-convict and former lover of an actress ( Natasha Richardson ) , who he meets at a pornographic dubbing studio .
25 ‘ I mean , ’ says Howard to a girl called Rose he meets at a party , as they sit on the stairs around two in the morning , talking seriously , her dark eyes looking up seriously into his , ‘ I 'm the best mountain-designer in the universe .
26 The importance of the PPR is that it occurs at a time when the numbers of new susceptible hosts are increasing and so ensures the survival and propagation of the worm species .
27 It arrives at a different time from the rest of the mail .
28 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
29 As the road leaves Clashnessie Bay , the hamlet of the same name is passed and after a further mile a side road turns off to the right and crosses the bare and windswept peninsula , the Ru Stoer , to a lighthouse where it ends at a parking place for cars .
30 ‘ Vehicular traffic light signal ’ is defined as follows : ‘ Three lights shall be used , one red , one amber and one green … the lamp showing the amber light shall be capable of showing a steady light or a flashing light such that it flashes at a rate of not less than 70 nor more than 90 flashes per minute etc .
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