Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 as I was holding on a particular images and create and then become those energy
2 ‘ But I never connected the baby I was holding with the baby who was kidnapped .
3 To soften the blow I said it was only because I was held in such high esteem in the football world that I had to get rid of any player or , as in his case , friend , who showed any sign of being a no-hoper .
4 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
5 He looked up into her wide blue eyes which were scrutinising him intently over the mug of tea which she was holding with two hands .
6 Not knowing how to refuse without sounding churlish , she looked down and absently began to smooth off the roughness of the article she was holding with an emery cloth .
7 Then he looked at the linen she was holding across her arms , and she followed his gaze and said , as she motioned her hand towards the door , ‘ This … this is our house too .
8 Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar .
9 He moved slowly up by the side of the bed , and now he said , ‘ Are … are you all right ? ’ and he saw the bedclothes that she was holding under her chin rise and fall with the movement of her neck before she said , ‘ Yes .
10 Heat flooded through her body as he took the jacket she was holding from her hands .
11 Madame drank her tea and put the fine china cup carefully back on the saucer which she was holding in her other hand .
12 This enchanting white-faced chestnut could be excitable before her races — it was the Royal Hunt Cup winner Come On The Blues , her travelling companion and calming influence , on whom she had her crush — but was admirably genuine , and her home-stretch surge to bring British racing its first great triumph in the Breeders ' Cup ensured that the affection in which she was held during her racing career would not fade .
13 She was held to be guilty of theft .
14 She was held for forty five minutes and at times , she says , she feared for her life .
15 What was significant was the awe in which she was held by her two senior colleagues , but not so by Mr Straw .
16 She was held by the disturbing events of the night , and here was her chance to wait out a better understanding of them on the spot .
17 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
18 Confusion brought the colour faintly to her cheeks and she swallowed hard , her mouth strangely dry as she was held within the intimate circle of his embrace .
19 They would not let her speak at table and made her wear a white canvas apron and a short gown ‘ so that she should be held a fool ’ ; but , said Margery with unholy self-satisfaction , ‘ she was held in more worship than they were , wherever they went ’ .
20 Wherever she went she was held in high esteem .
21 ‘ There was a feeling of disappointment that we were held to a draw in Bruges and the atmosphere in the dressing room at the Olympiastadion only lifted after we heard that Marseille had suffered the same result against CSKA , ’ said McCall .
22 We were held off Malta for a while because of air raids ( so what 's new ! ) before landing at Hal Far .
23 After the game we were held for exactly one hour , then herded onto to a train which did n't move for 40 minutes .
24 We were held in total secrecy , without any contact at all with the outside world and without ever having been charged or tried .
25 The people arrested were taken to separate police stations across Merseyside where they were held for questioning .
26 If they were held at bay longer than they anticipated and carried into the final day , it only seemed a stay of execution for the West Indies .
27 Anti-English slanders they were held to be by the genteel Victorian travellers who continued to come to the Pyrenees .
28 Nevertheless they were held to be in contempt but , the strike having collapsed , no penalty was imposed .
29 Second-placed Gretna , meanwhile , closed the gap by a point , but they were held to a 1–1 draw by second-bottom Shildon .
30 Lawrence , a child of Water Orton , a suburban lacuna on the outskirts of Birmingham , spent the dreaded '80s as the leader of Felt , a semi-legendary indie pop outfit whose dearth of sales was inversely matched by the affection and wonky respect in which they were held by the choosier pop consumer .
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