Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb infin] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What , then , makes them want to do it ?
2 There 's something about them that makes me want to see them glazed with passion — ’
3 Something made me want to touch you .
4 It makes me want to kiss them . ’
5 Ian is OK — friendly and cheerful — but there 's something about Robert that makes me want to fight him all the time . ’
6 Mama made me promise to feed you before she agreed to go to bed .
7 She made me promise to destroy them , ‘ if anything ever happens to me ’ , she said .
8 Before he went out , he made me promise to give you this . ’
9 Then she made me promise to get them back to her in one piece within a week and sold me two tickets to a Ward Bond Retrospective at her film club in Ponder 's End .
10 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
11 ‘ Why on earth should I want to seduce you ?
12 Shall I I want to stir it .
13 To teach herself to handle thought , she made it a practise never to permit herself to touch a brush until she could answer these questions , in writing , in the fewest possible words : ‘ What attracted me to this subject ? ’ 'Why do I want to paint it ? ’ 'What is the thing I am trying to express ? ’
14 ‘ Now what did I want to ask you … ? ’
15 ‘ I neither love him , nor do I want to marry him . ’
16 Why would I want to hurt her ? ’
17 I find some offences disgust me , Im let the guy know , but then I let them know I want to help them
18 ‘ Why should I want to make you feel bad ? ’ he retorted .
19 Do I want to run you up ?
20 ‘ Why should I want to screw it up . ’
21 ‘ Why should I want to threaten you , Fran ?
22 I did not want to worry her , but neither did I want to discuss him , even with Margaret .
23 Sue , can I , I need to ask him a question .
24 ‘ Then why do I need to see her ? ’
25 Will licking the soil do her any harm and will I need to worm her more often as two ponies go in the paddock as well ?
26 Do I need to do I , they do n't do anything
27 Would I need to give you a lift home do you think ?
28 The simple test question is : " If this was an easy thing to do would I choose to do it ? "
29 What can I do to turn it round to a positive .
30 PEG ( without looking at Abberley ) : What could I do to cheer you up ?
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