Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 I was not just a printer 's ‘ devil ’ ( name applied to an apprentice ) but a much exploited ( though dedicated ) slave .
2 I was not just looking for the most experienced people but there were other attributes I wanted to see , ’ he says .
3 I thought that there must be something wrong with me , and I had to do something to prove that I was not just a thing which other people used , of value only because you , Papa , are so enormously rich .
4 I was n't just trapped in the tower , I also had the key to the door .
5 I wanted to prove that I was n't just good at sports .
6 I was n't just a child , an alone child ; she used to say , ‘ Alice , you are my friend .
7 ‘ Och , it 's a gift ; I 'd be ashamed of myself if I was n't just so fucking nice with it . ’
8 ‘ Listen , if I was n't just John Dyson , but The John Dyson , people would n't even waste their time asking me to do ten-guinea talks for the Overseas Service — they 'd know I 'd be fully occupied doing pieces for Playboy and Esquire at a thousand dollars a time , and going on television at a hundred guineas an appearance .
9 ‘ But I wanted to make sure that , well , I was n't just being cynical about it all , making use of you .
10 Ah but I was n't just meaning on the concrete bit .
11 I was here just after three . ’
12 He told me that the oxygen mask had pulled away from my face some , and that I was probably just blacking out .
13 I was probably just dreaming , ’ she told them unsteadily , her words slurred and slow .
14 Yes , I , I was actually just saying to my wife last night , erm , who would have ever thought that in the same year , we could have lost two of the greatest wing-halves , as they were in those days , but I suppose mid-field players they 'd be known as today , who 'd
15 Nicky and Enya pride themselves on their rows ; ‘ I was basically just left to concentrate on music , ’ says Enya .
16 From Becher 's second-time I was always just struggling , though jumping the third-last I was in the right position and had every chance .
17 I was there just this morning , as it happens .
18 But Liz was saying to me erm , I was there just before the , about now where 's the letter ?
19 I was now just impersonally a man , striving against the elements .
20 I was only just able to take care of myself so further responsibility I could not take .
21 I was only just eight .
22 After three days in the Grand Canyon I was only just starting to appreciate the size and scale of the place .
23 At school , aged fourteen , I was only just starting to trim the fur off my jaw while some of the Spanish or Arab boys would be tucking in with razor and foam .
24 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
25 Alas , I was only just beginning to be visually aware , but to the extent to which I have grown in such awareness over the years I believe it was Basil and Ruth who started to make me look and see .
26 I was the last to arrive , and I was only just in time for dinner .
27 ‘ I do n't see why not — after all I was only just twenty-one when I married Mark . ’
28 I started to shrink … smaller … and smaller … until I was only just bigger than Sam , my soldier .
29 Blushing suggested you were n't just lying , but that you had something to hide .
30 It was in the context not of an isolated individual saying it to another isolated individual , but actually feeling that this identity had a social location , a political and moral location , because it involved a whole series of things which meant you were n't just a voice crying in the wilderness .
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