Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Take a pair of binoculars with you so that when you spot surface activity in a distant area you can use them to confirm or otherwise that it is bream which are the cause .
2 It had argued that adequate pension support for the elderly would encourage them to retire and thus increase younger workers ' employment prospects .
3 Shall I wait and then put in er would it be better for me to wait and then put in a big lump sum ?
4 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
5 I have always been impressed with the quality of the precedents contained in the Encyclopaedia , which rarely let us down , despite the intricacies of the subject matter , and it comes as no surprise to me to find that so many firms seem to be basing their standard form agreements and leases on Forms 14 and 29 .
6 When Rebecca Kraemer remarked , as the last murmurs of the slow movement died away , that it was such a pity the conductor was still following the now-discredited Haas edition , she was telling everyone within earshot — which included half the audience — everything that Alison could have wanted them to know but naturally would n't have dreamt of mentioning herself .
7 Erm that is difficult for me to answer but obviously
8 You did n't want them to look as well : you wanted them to look better .
9 He brought out a list of thirteen Arab properties that he wanted me to buy and then resell to the Jews .
10 The kid laughed loud enough for me to hear and then the chain snicked off .
11 So even the most rapid changes in these things were going very , very slowly compared with the kinds of rates which we 're accustomed to seeing in the lab. erm so on the whole so far deep sea cores seem to me to suggest that really at least those beauties are really pretty gradualistic in their behaviour .
12 Rijkaard and Van Basten had travelled to Holland but Milan did not want them to play and both pulled out of the squad , Rijkaard with flu , Van Basten claiming he was tired after his trip to Tokyo for the World Club Championship .
13 Now I okay right I do n't want you to underline them now I 'd like you to wait until later and then try and work em out again yourself so you get practice
14 Now , I want you to know that normally I can do this unaided .
15 ‘ You have been very brave , Miss Morgan , and I want you to know that both Craig and I are very grateful , a gratitude that will be shown in practical terms as soon as possible . ’
16 I want you to come as soon as you can . ’
17 ‘ If I may speak in a spirit of complaint , David , I might point out that it 's easy for you to talk and even easier to talk tough .
18 No , he is not joining you to drink and please do n't come back again because he will not ever be joining you to drink again . ’
19 Then say to the audience ‘ What I would like you to do as soon as I leave the room is to turn over the card on the top of this pile and look at it . ’
20 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
21 At Rockbeare , the English Lace School ( the only one in the country ) invites you to watch and even participate in the lacemaking .
22 All you have to do is write and tell us the name and address of your favourite bar — anywhere in the country — and a case of Kulta could be sent there for you to collect or even enjoy on the premises .
23 Well I keep telling you to move that away from the house I said talking about your rising crime , you 're giving them a ladder to use as well !
24 Thus the defensive fighter waits for you to attack and then counters as your technique is concluding .
25 ‘ You want me to leave as well ? ’
26 I mean , are we to see that as symbolic the setting fire to Rochester 's bed ?
27 And finally , the statement that ‘ the powers of control have passed from the legal owners to professional management ’ : are we to infer that besides ‘ legal ’ ownership there is a kind of de facto ownership ; that management appointed by owners are de facto owners ; and that , because their members are employed in this or that particular company , trade unions should similarly be regarded as de facto owners ?
28 This form of aggression , if not leading to an outright kill , can easily stress the attacked coral or anemone and cause them to bleach and eventually die .
29 She knew a lot about birds — she 'd have been perfectly able to do a short stint , teaching them to fly and so forth .
30 You gave me to understand that even if you had not had your accident you would almost certainly not have come to France to see him at the end . ’
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