Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] as the " in BNC.

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1 Some theft cases can be prosecuted under section 15 , but it is fallacious , having regard to what I perceive as the true meaning of appropriation , to say that all cases of obtaining by deception can be prosecuted under section 1 .
2 Well I think it 's very important Robert because , I mean as the charter for the arts indicated look at the money that local authorities are spending upstairs to us and really you know we , we are
3 I act as the Cheng family 's eyes and ears in London .
4 The executives agreed and asked that I act as the facilitator .
5 Oh god Oh no wonder you say there 's us like eating cockles I suppose as the French eating snails int it ?
6 This , I think as the under-11 team nips past to finish , is more like what cross-country running was really meant to be .
7 I think as the first part of their trade campaign .
8 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
9 Milano is the variety that I regard as the standard among the enormous range of Italian salami .
10 However , not a penny will come from those places that I regard as the heart of military music — the forecourt of Buckingham Palace , Horse Guards Parade and the bandstands of towns and villages throughout the land .
11 Let me describe what I regard as the best conditions of all for bream fishing .
12 I now come to what I regard as the plaintiffs ' most convincing argument , namely , that paragraph 33 of Buckley J. 's order , combined with the letter dated 23 October 1991 from the Crown Prosecution Service , provides effective protection for the defendants against the criminal consequences of having to disclose incriminating information or documents by virtue of paragraphs 18(a) and ( c ) and 19(a) and ( c ) of the order .
13 Various other lines of defence to this action were raised by Mr. Ashworth and I will now consider those in case I am wrong on what I regard as the central issue .
14 When Beatrice Webb publicly renounced her stand against the suffrage in 1906 , she explained in a letter to Millicent Garrett Fawcett that : ‘ The raising of children , the advancement of learning and the promotion of the spiritual — which I regard as the particular obligations of women — are , it is clear , more and more becoming the main preoccupations of the community as a whole ’ .
15 I refer to what I regard as the Labour party 's organised disruption of yesterday 's debate .
16 AS a regular reader of your paper which I regard as the voice for the North-East , I have become increasingly frustrated at your sports section .
17 I take as the third period that which follows upon the death or incapacity of the parents .
18 The former I conceive as the application of social science methodology to historical research .
19 Referring back to what I see as the purpose behind the whole practice , I have called it ‘ archaeo-astrology ’ .
20 It is against this background therefore that I would like to state what I see as the relevance of Christianity to political economy .
21 I shall set out what I see as the main objectives and the minefields that lie ahead .
22 Figure 1.1 represents what I see as the equivalent for teaching RE and shows how these qualities are related to the attitude of five-fold respect discussed above ( p. 2 ) .
23 Well , I think it is high time that we gave an award for valour in professional conduct , and I nominate as the first recipient , Keith Holdsworth of Bournemouth , Employed by the New Forest District Council , Keith Holdsworth risked his career , his livelihood and his life savings in the defence of his professional integrity , when it would have been so easy to take an easier route .
24 It was silent , relentless , always going as hard as we could — I was virtually holding you clear as the blows , they felt like blows , pummelled you .
25 I think the army thought they were going in to a situation where they could they could help , they saw themselves if you like as the referees er as a neutral party in between two sides .
26 erm or maybe I 'll consider you two down , you know as the describing side
27 You know as the result of a fire the , the amount of money and goods that er are destroyed in the fire erm chemicals erm have come on the scene which bring with it their own particular dangers and risks from fire and from erm from the toxic effects of chemicals and the endanger to the environment .
28 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
29 It will not matter which side you choose as the base line if you remember the rules Mr Osfrt and Mr Isflt tell us .
30 So again I exhort you to isolate yet another category of what you generalise as the deterioration of law and order .
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