Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] they the " in BNC.

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1 Well I mean it 's gone much beyond that I mean they the reality of the situation is er is not like that I 'm afraid I mean it Eighteen men have been sacked and and these are men that have put those quarries where they are .
2 Er so I mean that c because er I mean they the steel balls and steel rollers go into the bin I mean they ca n't be used for anything .
3 I show them the Camden Market , and my brother , Winchell , buys an old , funereal coat by the Lock , while I stand by and smoke spliffs with the bootleg sellers in bright berets .
4 I dream of Strathspeld , and the long summers of my childhood passed in a trance of lazy pleasure , ending with that day , running through the woods ( but I turn away from that memory , the way I 've learned to over the years ) ; I wander again through the woods and the small , hidden glens , along the shores of the ornamental lochan and the river and its loch and I 'm standing near the old boathouse in that defeatingly bright sunlight , light dancing on water , and I see two figures , naked and thin and white in the grass beyond the reed beds , and as I watch them the light turns from gold to silver and then to white , and the trees seem to shrink in on themselves , leaves disappearing in the chill coruscations of that enveloping white blaze while the view all around me becomes brighter and darker at once and all is reduced to black and white ; trees are bare and black , the ground smother-smoothed in white and the two young figures are gone , while one even smaller one — booted , gloved , coat-tails flying behind — runs laughing across the white level of the frozen loch .
5 I owe them the worst : they all but destroyed me " ) , all this made Nizan an obvious candidate for a highly sectarian , aggressive , isolationist communist party .
6 They wo n't wear it for one minute when I tell them the whole story . ’
7 ‘ When something is spilled , I hand them the cloth .
8 I have them the undisputed champions of they 're idiots .
9 He said : ‘ I buy them the same as I buy anything else and pass them on .
10 Then I , for a few minutes , we 've got only fifteen minutes so , about twelve to fifteen minutes , and I explain them the historical aspects .
11 Well they say the more you pick them the more they come is n't it ?
12 No , you make them the same as us !
13 Keep them out and you deny them the chance to share in our unpopularity .
14 Yeah four months old and it , I said that 's just the way you want them the better
15 You give them the time of day .
16 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
17 Well the flowering house plants , we hope you 're going to be given for Christmas , things like cyclamen and indoor azaleas and also your indoor bowls of course will last much longer if you give them the coolest , lightest position you can .
18 me that , when visitors come you , you gi , you give them the
19 The sort of stuff that you get in in y'know sort of everyday gossip between friends about y'know when people talk about each- other , oh I think he 's a bit er I think he 's a bit camp , or I think he probably is but erm yeah yeah all that kind of thing yeah erm is is like the the informal repertoire , the informal repertoire that you do between friends erm , between people to whom it sort of y'know it 's not very important if you give them the wrong impression sort of thing .
20 You know if you , if you give them the notice .
21 As long as you teach them the basics , they should be all right .
22 Because there are worries that it 's going to er , effect the outcome of this mad ref , referendum , you know they the farmers are sort of desperate and they think they need government help and they think they would n't get it because of the black government so
23 It 's quite a while now since I 've bored you with a few observations about our friends the dumb animals who share their lives with us on the planet and the more you observe them the more convinced you become that they 're anything but dumb .
24 To be honest it would be between the portfolios as you call them the the folders and erm probably that the golfing thing .
25 'Cos the thing about rate cards is that if the rate card is there you do n't have to go and get special authorisations or , you quote them the rate card .
26 In fact , the more you re-write them the more valuable the cards become and the less you will need to rely on them .
27 It 's wrong , Mr Deputy Speaker , if they 're living in this country erm on a semi-permanent basis and happen to have been here last October they 'll have a vote so will any everybody else who 's a citizen of the European union , so will peers of the realm who happen to be living elsewhere whether they 're in this country or outside this country under these regulations and previous regulations , have a vote in the European elections and I think it 's wholly wrong that erm citizens of other European countries namely France because that 's the one and it 's remarkable is it not that France is the one that 's gon na be the cause of this whole edifice collapsing if we do n't submit to their extra demands but citizens of France who are citizens living in their colonies , as I 've said in South America , the West Indies and the Pacific , will have a vote in the European elections on June the ninth and yet we have got citizens for whom we are responsible for in this house , we can not shirk it onto anyone else , we deny them the responsibility and I think it 's about time the house addressed this matter .
28 And we send them the replacement , and they let the broken one sit there .
29 Whereby erm we do n't end up actually doing the things for them , but we show them the way that they can do them for themselves .
30 However , if you feel the buyer 's going to present a business problem we show them the buyer 's guide and a business card so you can give them the buyer 's guide , explain what it 's for and then give them your business card and then that buyer 's guide to look for business card .
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