Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] he a " in BNC.

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1 Sheridan Lorrimore , who was sitting at a table apart from his parents , demanded I bring him a double Scotch at once .
2 I shall make sure that I send him a copy of my speech tomorrow , which will give detail after detail of what is actually taking place in the valleys .
3 I cost him a lot in little things , but I know he wants me to ask for something big .
4 I usually work him in for an hour , but when I 'm riding him around in the arena before the bell goes , I 'm still thinking , ‘ How on earth am I going to get this thing up the centre line ? ’ because he 's gawping at everything , but then I give him a jolly good boot and we get on with it … ’
5 I was walking along with my girl and I see my old man and I was scared , you know , smoking , but at the same time I did n't want to throw it away because my girl was there , you know , and she 'd see it , and I just kept on walking and my old man stopped and said to me , ‘ Give me a light ’ , and I give him a light , and he said , ‘ I 'm away to the shops ’ , and I was , you know , thinking , I can get away with this .
6 So I give him a wave from the far end of the park .
7 A minute later I give him a smaller brown one back .
8 He he had he came in I give him a saucer of milk .
9 I consider him a prodigious nuisance , and an enormous superstition . ’
10 ‘ Lord Khan , Alexei is betrothed as you have heard to my grand-daughter , and so I consider him a member of my family .
11 It wo n't do any harm , but I 'd rather not give him food for thought , because I consider him an idiot and I do n't think he 's capable of interpreting it correctly .
12 Micky Danby is a pratt and I owe him a few scores meself . ’
13 I owe him a favour , so I could n't say no .
14 ‘ I thank you , Mr Aycliffe , ’ Theda said drily , ‘ but I know him a little better than that ! ’
15 I like him a lot .
16 Macaulay Culkin is wonderful — I like him a lot — but I did get frightened at the bit when he slipped over on the ice and the bad men caught up with him .
17 I like him a lot .
18 I like him a lot . ’
19 when I visit him a second time he did n't turn up at all
20 BECAUSE I AM INTERVIEWING DUDLEY MOORE to talk about his piano playing and his tour of the country with the BBC Concert Orchestra and his jazz trio , I ask him a question about his piano playing .
21 I bet he a lot tomorrow .
22 " Thank you , kind sir , " I sweep him a curtsey .
23 I love him a lot but long to settle down and have a family of my own .
24 I love him a lot , Carrie .
25 To those who asked him what he thought of Hitler now , he replied , ‘ I think him a very fine fellow . ’
26 he is , I call him a slug
27 I wish him a a successful year , a happy year and a busy year and I 'm sure that he will be a credit to all of us on the Council .
28 We stroll arm in arm to the nearest pub and I buy him a freedom drink and lunch ; a pint of stout and a Ploughman 's .
29 She was screwing up the courage to suggest she cook him a meal over the weekend when he glanced at his watch .
30 You forget we 've got spies , all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you 've been doing er , that 's , that 's how he knew you got your hair done , can we have five pounds , she 's just had her hair permed , the day before he 's just coming in and , no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum 's been out for the day and she 's had her lunch out you cost him a fortune and you say you 've never been anywhere
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