Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [been] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The improvement and the form suggests it 's the best Welsh pack since the Triple Crown in 1988 , so yes I 'm more optimistic than I 've been for some time ’ , said the 43-year-old ‘ Panther ’ , who is now a schoolmaster in Swansea .
2 ‘ Ethel turned me into a frog and that 's where I 've been for the last day , and it was her fault .
3 ‘ I 'm better than I 've been for a long time . ’
4 I can have one of these now I 've been the worst I 've been for about six months I really !
5 Oh , I wish I could have continued as I 've been for the last year or so , with no hopes or fears , and no pleasures and no sadness . ’
6 ‘ I 'm happier than I 've been for years , ’ she said quietly .
7 ‘ Where I 've been for the past 200 years or so , we count ourselves lucky if we still have one . ’
8 ‘ I took it up as a form of exercise in Germany , where I 've been for the past two years , ’ he said yesterday .
9 I 'm just getting now because erm erm I 've been for an aud not an audition .
10 I 've been for an interview with Mencap .
11 Just even I 've been for a wee !
12 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
13 ‘ Gentle , indeed ! ’ she said ‘ And if I were as gentle in the market as I have been for him at home , how does he think I would manage ? ’
14 I 'm more optimistic than I have been for the past few years . ’
15 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
16 But I 'm in better shape than I have been for a long time . ’
17 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
18 Boozy Dennett — who earns £600 a week with his dummy Chick — added : ‘ I have been for a walk to have a think and went back , but it 's getting worse . ’
19 A good deal gives me the feeling that I have been for a nice seven-day trip to the Bahamas . ’
20 Now it is three months ’ rest and come the start of the 1991 season I 'll be ready to go again , more confident than I have been for a long time .
21 I did not mean to say but perhaps it is better I should , therefore only remark that I will speak on the subject in my next , but do not suffer alarms on my account — I am in better health than I have been for years and I hope to get to Sydney and get comfortably settled in good time … ’
22 You 're alright , you , you 've been for fifteen years
23 It takes you a long while to realise what a twit you 've been for so long .
24 You 've been for a walk eh ?
25 From the mid-'50s , where we 've been for quite some time , we 're suddenly into the '60s , 1961 in fact , and a finger-picked instrumental written by Chet Atkins , entitled Trambone .
26 That 's where we 've been for the last twenty years so erm this company er that was already doing it and we bought it into the er into the fold .
27 I think members will probably by now , be aware that a decision has been taken to leave the offices in Bedford Square where we have been for so many years .
28 McNab , who hit his first goal of the season , said : ‘ The second half was as poor as we have been for a long time but recent performances have been magnificent .
29 Well , we have been for some time .
30 Some of Britain 's rivers are now cleaner than they 've been for years .
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