Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] be hold " in BNC.

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1 You 're right , are n't you Yes , once he got going , I knew why I 'd been holding back .
2 Some items I 'd been holding for him .
3 I tried to remember when I 'd been held like that before , and by whom .
4 And the question I had been holding down with my domestic frenzy , my sorting and tidying , my focus on Matter , burst through : would the decay have set in ?
5 I realized that this was the same place Brian and I had been held in for a week in May 1988 before going to the Pit .
6 Did n't you fantasize about what might have occurred if only you 'd been holding your breath at the time and a gun as well ?
7 ‘ My lord said that he 'd brought you from Gloucester , ’ volunteered Ellen , setting a trencher of bread and fruit on the table , ‘ where you 'd been held since your father 's death .
8 Josie 's hand slid from around her as if she 'd been holding nothing more substantial than a wisp of smoke .
9 She let out the breath she had n't even realised she 'd been holding .
10 Luce released the breath she 'd been holding .
11 It was only then she realised she 'd been holding her breath .
12 She allowed her steady gaze to flicker from the glass which she had been holding firm .
13 ‘ Present from Alan behind the bar , ’ said Sarah , drawing out the glass she had been holding behind the frilly apron the waitresses at the Right and Wrong had to wear .
14 Suddenly conscious that she had been holding her breath , Katherine pulled the door closed and then leaned back against the wall , aware of the pounding of her heart .
15 She opened a small peacock-blue fan she had been holding and began to fan herself .
16 She held out the pad she had been holding .
17 She realised with a shock that , while waiting for the disaster she believed was inevitable , she had been holding her breath .
18 I was sure she had been holding a small phial with the letters ‘ SUL ’ written on it .
19 This script began with Aunt Lilian 's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades .
20 Although in law a female fiancée can enter Britain quite freely ( without an entry certificate ) she had been held up , questioned again and again , and late in the evening she had been given a sexual examination by officials who she thought might be doctors .
21 Before lapsing into a coma Suzanne , who had left home after a row with her stepfather , told rescuers she had been held captive for a week .
22 Attention was first drawn to them in 1988 when a 17-year-old resident complained she had been held in continuous confinement for seven weeks and forcibly injected with a sedative .
23 She had been physically hurt when she was dragged from the villa and she had been held captive ever since .
24 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
25 She had been held in high esteem by numerous people who all wanted to pay their respect .
26 Spoke to mother who as we arrived was holding a conversation with Head of Senior Department over the telephone .
27 She said : ‘ About two weeks after we had been held captive by the Iraqis , one of the air crew told us that there were SAS soldiers on board the plane .
28 We had been held for three and a half years and we still had no idea when we might be released .
29 ‘ We were confident we had the quality to beat our rivals but we had been held back by the exchange rates , ’ said , sales manager plastic compounds .
30 But today they contacted their colleagues in Oxford to say they 'd been held up by blizzards .
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