Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Asked what concerned them most in connection with nuclear power , respondents named the possibility of accidents , human error and the storage of radioactive waste .
2 Charlton 's win keeps them right in contention .
3 It is about helping them to recognise the resources that they have to offer one another and to use them effectively in response to individual interests and learning needs .
4 ‘ All these chores are making me so hungry that it is , as I said before , only fair that you feed me properly in order to keep me going . ’
5 Well I think that 's cos I lie on me right in bed .
6 It can bring them literally in touch with the past .
7 The pains themselves , since he is aware of them only in order to be assured of his sovereignty , remain on the boundaries of an awareness always centred on his own reactions to them .
8 Try to continue your argument without them , referring to them only in order to read out an authority .
9 Use them only in accordance with the manufacturer 's instructions or advice from a reliable source .
10 Probably the majority of paedophiliacs suppress their inclinations or indulge them only in fantasy .
11 From where she stood , Melissa could see them only in profile , but she had a shrewd idea that they were holding hands and that Dora 's apparent indifference to their presence was concealing a mounting irritation .
12 Although the garden is not arranged to a precise colour scheme , Connie has strong views on colour , ‘ I ca n't be doing with strong , deep reds so I use them only in moderation . ’
13 ‘ British Rail staff have always been very helpful to me but this ca n't justify the cuts and I have told them so in writing , ’ he added .
14 So , from a safe distance , he plucked meanings from the cosmos and wove them together in reassurance .
15 In the Cox Report we therefore set out our rationale for explicit knowledge about language in a separate section , and printed as part of it the statements of attainment about knowledge about language from the three profile components , bringing them together in order to show their coherence .
16 The rule laid down in article 6(1) therefore applies where the actions brought against the various defendants are related when the proceedings are instituted , that is to say where it is expedient to hear and determine them together in order to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings .
17 Although the chapel communities of Rational Dissent , largely identified with Unitarianism by the early nineteenth century , were fiercely proud of their constitutional autonomy , there was a framework of cultural institutions which drew them together in book societies , college trusts and publishing networks .
18 Then laid me gently in bed .
19 No seeing as though they 've been produced I 've said I all in favour of the jury seeing anything that 's referred to and then there , there 's no mystery about it then .
20 So could I just in conclusion say please fill in your short questionnaire thank you for your attendance and I can assure you as Chairman of the trust what you said and the question 's you 've raised this evening will be looked at in great detail and we will be reporting back to you in the near future about the proposals that we wish to make .
21 Raise your right knee up I straight in front of you , hold for a moment , then lower .
22 ‘ Am I really in danger from such an evil thing ?
23 stiletto heels , fucking whips and stuff , she says right get in , what , and he 's fucking on this thing and he 's going round and round and round he says I think I maybe in love , you know , he fucking come out and he 's looking really awful and meanwhile this James Ritter character he was suppose to , he 's stopped the robbery and sent the police and their all going wow what a guy , fucking great stuff , that is a funny film and er
24 I then in front of Sam and she 's the headmistress and I say , I 've been sent to see you by Miss Huddy , Miss Trudgenell , because I got caught
25 Type Report on Yugoslav Spitfires by Peter Arnold in the April issue ( p70 ) evoked many memories for me and caused me to rummage around for some half-forgotten photos of nearly half a century ago , and there it was , Mk VcJK808 ‘ B ’ with yours truly in attendance .
26 Because of my long commitment to Liberalism , I never in fact joined the Scottish National Party , but I occasionally appeared on their platforms and continued independently to promote the idea of Scottish autonomy .
27 Perhaps their disappointment will divert them elsewhere in future .
28 The Germans took them away in secret , at night .
29 She had a longish , plain face with a straight nose and almost no eyebrows ; she must have plucked them away in order to repaint them in higher up .
30 She had to love me best in return — only there was always — always Isabelle . ’
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