Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Hugh was watching them suspiciously from a nearby table .
2 Puritans like Harley and Dowsing regarded altars , statues , paintings , and stained glass not as aids to religious devotion , but as positive dangers to men 's souls , and they reacted to them rather as a modern-day Jew might do to a beautifully sculpted or painted swastika .
3 His doe has a litter and she was making a noise over them rather like a robin in autumn .
4 This is because frictional drag ( from a boot or a ski , say ) melts them locally to a thin film of liquid water .
5 She turned Florence into the field and stood over the milk pails , stirring them slowly with a hazel stick .
6 It is also quick enough to get me somewhere in a hurry if I 'm called out on an emergency .
7 I was a convent-educated girl and he teased me mercilessly with a string of sexual connotations . ’
8 As conditions were calm and my position at that time left me right for a downwind left join in an easterly direction , I elected to land this way and flew a normal downwind base and approach .
9 I 'll judge marmosets if you catch me nicely in a weak moment on the end of a moribund week .
10 Sun readers will not become Times readers simply because the latter is somehow ‘ superior ’ ; they are Sun readers because it ‘ serves ’ them better in a complex social and psychological way .
11 Many have a dread of something happening that will plunge them suddenly into a situation of near-poverty , and a few also unconsciously use their financial problems as pegs on which to hang their much deeper fears concerning their health and their future , which they may find hard to face .
12 Her youth blazed at them suddenly like a torch kindled , a thin , bright , deeply-moulded face all pearl-tinted skin over abrupt , burnished bone , with a wide , firm , full-lipped mouth , and dark eyes .
13 He went into the kitchen and returned with a plate of local delicacies which he offered me together with a little plate , a napkin and a finger-bowl .
14 This odd instructor shouted at them constantly in a tone of voice that suggested they were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above a lava-filled crater , being pursued by leathery-skinned trolls .
15 The size and weight of the larger models would suit them only for a fairly hefty boat .
16 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
17 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
18 He took off his spectacles and polished them thoughtfully with a red snuff-handkerchief .
19 With marked reluctance , the elderly woman led them inside to a small sitting-room , which overlooked the garden at the rear of the house .
20 ‘ I said to Bernie if they were mine I 'd want to take them inside on a night .
21 Beyond this , what might appear just to be a way of illustrating how motets were put together — singing the two or three different , often highly contrasted melodies individually before putting them together as a polyphonic , multi-texted whole — may equally well represent a valid reflection of the manner in which they were originally performed .
22 History has brought them together as a phenomenon without compare , and it is Pakistan 's good fortune that they are surviving fitness scares long enough to bring many honours to their country .
23 If they are smaller , staple them together as a pad for rough calculations .
24 They are given a time , but they never do , if you er , there 's no way you 're gon na get them together as a group for that time
25 In competition a sailor has to perform a three minute routine , performing as many tricks as he can and linking them together with a smooth flowing act .
26 He watched Tom lift two more saucepans from the range and empty them together with a handful of salt into the tub .
27 Esther hinted that it was the grim circumstances of their childhood that had drawn them together with a love that dared not speak its name .
28 You want to avoid getting them in the wrong order or dropping them , so number them in the top corner , and link them together with a tag .
29 Having selected the deeds and documents from the deeds packet , you then need to photocopy them , and pin them together with a front sheet , which is entitled " Epitome of Title " .
30 Secure the wire ends by twisting them together for a short distance to prevent the turns trying to unwind themselves .
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