Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The suggestion is that this will reduce their chances of finding such work themselves and make them dependent for informal assistance on others whose circumstances are similar to their own .
2 With handles in the shape of a stork , enhanced by gold plating , they have been valued by generations of needleworkers for their very fine points , making them ideal for intricate sewing and embroidery work .
4 Commas Right , are you ready for quick gallop through commas .
5 All the research has consisted of work towards the design and production of catalogue systems which satisfy the following criteria : they must be usable at sight without any appreciable need for learning or relearning , and this must be achieved without sacrificing effectiveness and without making them tedious for experienced users .
6 You will also find them useful for other jobs that need a small locking clamp .
7 Twenty six men , all of them responsible for sexual abuse of children , are due to be treated here .
8 Whether , for instance , concepts such as ‘ ethnicity ’ , ‘ class ’ , ‘ politics ’ are ‘ culture-free ’ , that is whether academics have succeeded in freeing them from their narrow everyday cultural uses and made them available for cross-cultural use , is a question of judgement and , ultimately , of ontology .
9 Hopkins took charge of production — it was seen as a part-time post , leaving him free for other work — but where was the cash to come from' ?
10 By the following weekend , Ned had begun to lose interest in his lover and within two weeks , much to her distress , he began leaving her alone for long periods of time while he chased after a very attractive Border Collie who had just moved into a neighbouring street .
11 In the second half of 1989 about one-third of convicted ETA prisoners were also reclassified to make them eligible for early release .
12 Organisers said the display was amusing but warned that some people might consider it unsuitable for young children .
13 Etruria had been the world 's most up-to-date factory in the eighteenth century and mining subsidence and the encroachment of other industry had made it unsuitable for modern development .
14 Rue is an example of a common , well-known garden herb , with a long history of use , yet with properties that make it unsuitable for general use by the layman .
15 Woodworm and beetle infestation makes much of it unsuitable for structural work but treated and cleaned up with an adze to give it the right period look , much of it could be put to good decorative effect .
16 This expansionist financial relationship made it possible for central government ministers to use the rhetoric of partnership , while actually bribing local authorities to act as their agents .
17 Although such measures had been and were still attacked , by the COS for example , for discouraging parental responsibility , it was equally arguable that they strengthened such responsibilities by making it possible for poor families to carry them out .
18 It is expected that the process will make it possible for rare and fragile mummies and other bodies such as the European bog bodies and the recently discovered Ice Man to be accessible to the public without putting the originals at risk .
19 but the crucial factor which makes it possible for middle-class women to enter the labour force and , at the same time , maintain traditional values in the home , is the existence of the domestic servant .
20 By reducing the scope of the enquiry we make more certain the worth of what we are doing ( always assuming , of course , that the study itself is well conducted ) , and by describing carefully what we do we make it possible for other researchers to duplicate our own study or conduct a similar one with slightly different variables .
21 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
22 Even after many of the separate grants were amalgamated in 1958 into a single general grant , government continued to expand its financial support quite rapidly to make it possible for local councils to fulfil the pledges which national parties frequently gave in general elections — to replace slums or old schools , to reduce the size of classes , and much else .
23 The shoals of fish became scarce and unreliable from one year to another , probably because of overfishing when the power of modern engines made it possible for foreign boats to fish in the same waters .
24 Shore significantly developed a style of playing by which the trumpet escaped from the restrictions of a purely military style and took its place in England as an orchestral instrument , so giving valuable stimulus to Henry Purcell [ q.v. ] and making it possible for English trumpeters to meet the requirements of the music of G. F. Handel [ q.v . ] .
25 The new 3174 Models 14R , 24R , and 64R with Ethernet , and the Ethernet Adaptor for current 3174 controllers make it possible for attached dependent terminals — ASCIIs as well as 3270s — to access SNA and TCP/IP hosts via an Ethernet .
26 Handover of the building only took place a couple of days earlier so many hands had made it possible for Mass to be celebrated in a beautiful setting .
27 The French would be content so long as the arrangement was for them to sell abroad ; there can , however , be no question of France permitting her massive investment in nuclear power to be undermined by making it possible for French consumers to buy in from abroad .
28 The fixed duration , the stereotypy , of the growth phase , makes it possible for particular things to happen at particular times during embryonic development , as if governed by a strictly observed calendar .
29 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
30 This may be because of a scarcity of suitable sites , but the great number of individuals present makes it possible for unmated young birds to help their parents in the labour of digging holes just as the young Florida scrub jays help their parents rear new broods .
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