Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] my own " in BNC.

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1 This capacity of language to crystallize and stabilize me for my own subjectivity is retained
2 If you were protecting me for my own good , she thought , I would be cross with you , but not this cross .
3 The old woman 's voice had changed and become as familiar to me as my own .
4 You 're to me as my own and I 'll not stand cheekiness from either .
5 It was a sight as familiar to me as my own front room .
6 Unable to say , Because I felt as if I knew you , as if I 'd always known you ; because your face was as familiar to me as my own , she replied weakly , ‘ Sometimes a particular face stands out .
7 I do not even acknowledge them as my own . ’
8 I wear them for my own enjoyment but equally for theirs .
9 Now , after the death of two of my colleagues , I need them for my own protection .
10 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
11 The first questions which faced me after my own Worst Day were simple .
12 erm I do n't have a relative in the Gulf erm but I for my own peace of mind , I wanted to keep up to date with things that were going on erm and also for my husband really , he is at out at work all day and I , you know it was nice when he came home from work for me to be able to tell him exactly what went on .
13 Well er er erm the the whole point of about asking that sort of question is that er I in my own mind I know where I think
14 The smell of couscous and other grain which filled the air constantly reminded me of my own situation .
15 I was fond of her , she reminded me of my own kid back home .
16 Pat always reminded me of my own shape — a reasonably well proportioned figure but very heavy on the hips and thighs .
17 ‘ Oh , do not remind me of my own stupidity , I beg you .
18 She sort of reminded me of my own grandmother , back in Vermont . ’
19 When I looked at her her eyes had tears in them like my own .
20 and my Japanese when I was in the States found the leaflet and when I cam back she said would n't this be of interest to you for my own and then she said and what about your project because there will be people there who write and dead dead true .
21 you as my own patient
22 You said you 'd wait till I came to you of my own free will ; let's not prolong the agony any longer .
23 In order to help you obtain a broad background to recent philosophical and clinical developments in nursing , I have resisted the urge to present you with my own very limited definitions of changes which have occurred , and instead I have prepared exercises and suggested reading based on the criteria outlined by the UKCC on desired outcomes for successful completion of a re-entry programme .
24 I have drawn you in , and involved you in my own anger at my son 's disobedience . ’
25 If you say something to me I check that I have understood your message by saying it back to you in my own words , for if I repeat your own words exactly you will doubt whether I have really understood you .
26 When I was seven , Dad bought me some bantams , a cock and two hens , and these supplied me with my own child-sized eggs .
27 ‘ She hit me with my own stick , doctor , ’ he whispered , displaying the scrapes and cuts received in his flying accident .
28 ‘ I was trying to save some of the Guinness for you , but she hit me with my own stick .
29 ‘ I have seen them with my own eyes .
30 ‘ You can scoff , ’ said the visitor of San Severo , ‘ but I 've seen them with my own eyes . ’
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