Example sentences of "[pers pn] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I therefore continued to stand there awkwardly , waiting for my employer to give me permission to undertake the motoring trip .
2 Many such contracts are not sale contracts as such but are licence agreements ; this is particularly so with respect to computer software where the owner of the rights subsisting in the software grants licences to customers , giving them permission to use the software in return for a licence fee .
3 A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them –o reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him , with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products is likely to result in injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
4 In them Hooker discusses the Presbyterian system of government by church elders , the status of bishops , and the relationship between Church and State .
5 From the antislavery perspective this would also make them readier to assume the responsibilities of freedom .
6 Me husband had the same trouble with other doctors and he went to two .
7 It would be you responsibility to repair the pipe , or pay for all the water wasting away into your garden .
8 close , I can assure you Chairman recognise the time , I can assure you Chairman that our social workers when doing assessments will not , because I 've had this from them , at grass roots level in a branch local party meeting , that our social workers will not indicate to those people who they 've assessed that there are vacancies in those homes .
9 More impressive are the two-metre leads , allowing you freedom to position the unit safely and conveniently .
10 She 's a good-looking woman , but she 's jumpy and she does'na have the confidence .
11 Have you courage to face the blind hunter ?
12 So that you cab compare the cost of the different types of mortgages , ask for quotations .
13 If you wist to alter the car struturally , eg raise the roof to take a seated wheelchair passenger or change the doors to ramps , you would have to obtain a car through Car Chair , Gowrings or Widnes Car Centre Ltd , or buy the car on hire purchase .
14 But you receiv 'd the Sentence with a Smile
15 ‘ When you lot seize the land back again make sure you know about ban owls first , ’ she 's choking , ‘ you 're so keen on wild life .
16 ‘ I thought you lot 'ad the tent , ’ the policeman said with a puzzled look on his face .
17 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
18 You lot talk the same as to talk .
19 One of the survivors I talked with well remembered the problem of working from manuscript : " sometimes you couldna read the manuscript .
20 He gives them scope to do the deal , to become entrepreneurial .
21 We over did the chicken manure once on ½ acre of strawberries .
22 The Follow Me guide suggests the use of a VCR similar to the use we sometimes make of audiocassette players in the classroom : the " listen and repeat " technique of pausing the machine after each utterance for students to repeat it .
23 It seems that the length of time in them answering reflects the fact that all these sort of pollution inspectorates and Health and Safety Executives are understaffed .
24 The Foreign Office had only given him permission to join the Army on the understanding that he would return to Abyssinia when his leave expired .
25 In his resignation press conference Michael Heseltine complained explicitly about Mrs Thatcher 's style and performance as Prime Minister , claiming that she had acted unconstitutionally in refusing him permission to discuss the issue in Cabinet and in forbidding him to restate views he had publicly expressed in the past .
26 What he did n't say was that during his father 's last days in 1958 Tony gave him marijuana to ease the pain .
27 She was accustomed to exercise for , each morning for the past two weeks , Sharpe had saddled her at three o'clock , then ridden her south to watch the dawn break over the Sambre valley , but this morning , hearing the crackle of musketry to the east , he had ridden the mare much further than usual .
28 MARTIN Buber in his books about the I and Thou relationship meant the change from the relationship of mere contact to one of real meaning .
29 They had planned to hold him hostage to secure the resignation of the strongly pro-Noriega General Staff .
30 He was taken to hospital where doctors gave him charcoal to absorb the drug and sent him home to rest in a darkened room .
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