Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] go on " in BNC.

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1 She glanced at Sarah and said impulsively , ‘ Here I am going on , and it 's even more exciting for you , is n't it , Sar ?
2 He said , ‘ I 'm going on too much .
3 But they do n't speak any English , I do n't speak any Arabic , so I 'm gesturing away about the bar-tailed lark and not being able to go into the forbidden zone , and somehow or other the leader understands what I 'm going on about and makes me understand that because they 're nomads they do n't have to follow international boundaries .
4 No bu I 'm sorry , the other thing I 'm sorry I should have said the other thing I 'm going on is when things were last done ,
5 ‘ In that case , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm going on as before .
6 " And now , if you 'll excuse me , I 'm going on to the worst problem of the lot — Willis 's financial position …
7 If you do it first , you 're gon na really understand what I 'm going on about .
8 About the papers in the portmanteau and Molly and how I 'm going on to the monastery next . ’
9 I 'm going on to the monastery .
10 When I 've bought my sons their shirts I 'm going on to a good academic bookshop to get an item for myself — a book called something like Syntax and Significance : A Cognitive Approach .
11 I 'm going to I 'm going to accelerate now cos I see I 'm going on too long .
12 Pat told the Careers Officer : ‘ I 'm going on to become a professional footballer ’ . ’
13 I 'm going on today !
14 The trouble is that it I know , I say I 'm going on about have n't got a copper and everything , then they walk up to the bar and pull out a great wad of notes
15 I had n't really thought about it , it 's erm it all depends on what farm I 'm going on cos I 've or erm cows an , cows and bullocks , you know .
16 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
17 We were going to travel together as far as Paris , I was to go on to Calais .
18 I would have to get my clothes cleaned , if I was to go on .
19 I would have to telephone the grocer , if I was to go on .
20 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
21 I was going on about the relative merits of casseroling and roasting .
22 Three a year which was very nice and er oh well whilst I was there , you see , erm I landed up in , in Peel because I was going on a and she said to me one day this Miss er what are you doing today ?
23 I was going on to give an explanation , which may help the hon. Gentleman .
24 The first lecture I gave I was going on about the different approaches to psychology .
25 But , what I was going on to say was that erm Grace what 's her name ?
26 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
27 And it took about two minutes to twig what I was going on about !
28 And I saw your mother and I was going on saying all your virtues and how she 's been a good girl , how does that , how er , how erm self discipline she was and all this is on the tape
29 I just like , I just like , I know places , like I was told when I was meeting the girls yesterday , I did n't know what road I was going on I was just telling like , people names of the pubs and luckily this , like , bloke behind me getting on the bus , said oh you need a like , a seventy P or something and that 's when I knew where I was going and everyone 's like telling me where to get off , everyone gestures to me .
30 ‘ I do n't know what it is about dolphins , ’ said the leading lady of the entertainment show Give Us A Clue , ‘ but you just feel that they understand what you are going on about .
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