Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] go out " in BNC.

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1 A lot of them are going out of the area , but I think er I 'd imagine that a large majority or a a large proportion certainly would wish to stay in .
2 She thought : But tomorrow Jasper and I are going out together , and then it would be a whole evening of this fine racing thrilling excitement .
3 If this is it , I am sure I am going out on the highest note possible . ’
4 For , she said to herself , standing momentarily , I am going out of my mind .
5 ‘ This afternoon I am going out to do some Christmas shopping and I am enjoying every minute .
6 But I am going out there to win . ’
7 I am going out of my mind , ’ she said aloud .
8 And I can also remember him standing in the hall with my mum and her saying , ‘ I am going out ! ’ and him , for some reason I will never understand , bursting into tears .
9 PAMELA : Tell her I am sick-a-bed , I 'm gone out , I 'm dying , and must not be disturbed … anything !
10 Nails said , towards the kitchen door , ‘ I 'm goin' out , ’ picked up a leather jacket that lay on the floor , shrugged it on and opened the door again .
11 That 's what I 'm going out for .
12 In fact , I do n't usually shave in the morning ; that would be in the afternoon — or evening , if I 'm going out .
13 I 'm going out to see if Caspar 's all right , ’ said Lee .
14 I 'm going out , are n't I ?
15 When I 'm going out , I plan what to wear ages in advance .
16 I 'm going out into the river and I 'll be back for you very soon . ’
17 I 'm going out on deck . ’
18 ‘ I met Roger Erikson on the beach , and he said , ‘ You 're going out ? ’ and I said , ‘ Yep , I 'm going out ’ , and he said : ‘ All right , I 'm going out too . ’
19 ‘ I met Roger Erikson on the beach , and he said , ‘ You 're going out ? ’ and I said , ‘ Yep , I 'm going out ’ , and he said : ‘ All right , I 'm going out too . ’
20 I 'm going out , ’ she said .
21 I 'm going out , ’ said Miranda .
22 I 'm going out , ’ said Miranda .
23 I 'm going out , ’ said Miranda .
24 ‘ Well actually I 'm going out this morning too . ’
25 I 'm going out , ’ Allen said .
26 I 'm going out to look at a pony , and do n't forget to double-lock Wayne 's door . ’
27 I 'm going out to buy ponies from Alejandro .
28 I 'm going out tonight and I 'm already worried and it 's only morning ! ’
29 ‘ If a woman had said ‘ I 'm not relating to you ’ he would have said ‘ Ouch , I 'm going out ’ .
30 However I 'm going out there at the Lord 's command and my trust is in Him .
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