Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stone floor panels dating from 883–612BC , uncovered in the Assyrian royal palaces at Nimrud , Balawat and Nineveh , contain patterns that are generally accepted as carpet designs ; thee are also a number of reliefs and carvings showing men carrying what can only be tapestries or rugs .
2 So when , or if , the young men do return , all they usually bring with them are just a few of the pathetic petty accouterments of capitalism : a radio , a watch , perhaps a bicycle .
3 None of this is a matter of syntax ; the intensional relations and the syntactic constructions which realize them are just the ones we have discussed in previous chapters .
4 The number of enquiries I get from distant countries is ample evidence of EE 's wide circulation , and some of them are not a little odd or amusing .
5 The largest of them are also the country 's teaching hospitals , affiliated to the faculties of medicine in the universities .
6 While the functions of the primary and secondary markets differ it is no accident that the financial institutions participating in them are often the same , because an efficient secondary market , in which existing securities can be bought or sold easily , contributes in several important ways to the strength of the primary market .
7 In another sense most of them are quite the opposite , namely rejections of modern modes of political organisation , both national and supranational .
8 Now many people seem to think that technology means machines and equipment , but machines and equipment and the software that run them are only the products of technology .
9 I been here a long time .
10 My Mum and I are now the very best of friends , not really like mother and son .
11 Dally goes as far as to state that it indicates a bad prognosis for the disease , but I am glad to be able to report that although my jealousy continued into my adolescence , including the anorexic period , it did not deter my recovery , and that my sisters and I are now the best of friends .
12 I am also a remarkably tolerant man , Miss Thorne , and is not that a very good thing ? ’
13 But I am also a resilient soul .
14 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
15 I am a gardener of the physical who spend many hours tending my flowers but I am also a mental gardener and spend even more hours tending transcendent flowers .
16 As for certainties , ’ he frowned , ‘ I am a friar as you see , one who has taken vows of poverty but I am also a little of a philosopher and certainties I do not believe to exist . ’
17 My approach and preparation are slower and I am also a different person mentally .
18 But I am also a nurse and I know how vital the hospital 's research is .
19 I am also a big Jennifer Capriati fan , because of her attractiveness as well as her skill which she displayed at Wimbledon in '91 against Navratilova .
20 I may be a dish , but I am also a don , and not prone to see emergencies where none exist .
21 I am also a musician and music occupies a great deal of my time .
22 I am also a member of Obair , the Campaign for Employment in West Belfast .
23 Not only do I consume vast amounts of raw materials — I am also a high-level polluter .
24 I wished I 'd come instead with the local Horticultural Society — of which I am also a member — so I decided to wander off .
25 And , before you ask , I am also a beneficiary , after the will is approved in the Court of Probate . ’
26 I am always and everywhere his place ; if I am the barren land he thinks to water into an oasis I am also the blight on his crops and the locust destroying grain ; I am both the ruined harvest and the shameful blood that sickens cattle .
27 I am also the boy who you met in the jungle .
28 I am also the woman who sat at the crossroads .
29 I am also the Great White Spirit that resides in the fifth dimension , everything is connected to my fingertips — by wires . ’
30 The monopoly of command — in his house , in his business , in his factory — was crucial to his self-definition , and its formal assertion , whether nominal or real , is an essential element in all industrial disputes of the period : ‘ But I am also the Director of the Mines , that is to say the head [ chef ] of a large population of workers …
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