Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] know for " in BNC.

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1 Her opening words , which echo a pair of lines in Chaucer 's first fabliau in the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the Miller 's Tale ( I : 3768 – 9 ) , invite a dialogue charged with sexual connotations , not only in the obvious case of " " ryse " " , but also in the detectable reference to a conventional love-sickness : The monk 's answer immediately confirms the sexual topic of the dialogue , and dispenses with any euphemistic disguises : This rapid movement to a contextually surprising level of familiarity on the topic of sexual intimacy is paralleled in the French fabliau Auburee , where the old bawd , Auburee , in procuring a young wife for a besotted admirer , visits the wife and moves smartly into the bedroom , declaring : ( " I should certainly like to see your bed : then I should know for certain if you lie in the same splendour as the first wife did . " )
2 I 'll know for certain in about an hour .
3 I expected you to come after me , I prayed you would so that I would know for sure that you really wanted me , but you did n't .
4 Perhaps if I try again I shall know for sure . ’
5 And one other thing you should know for the record : Jimmy Rowe , the old man 's accountant , and I are joint executors , God help us ! ’
6 ‘ But you 'll know for certain tomorrow ? ’
7 Look at the toes of its front feet and if you discover fur on its nails you will know for sure there is another rabbit still to be captured .
8 If only we could know for sure , but at that moment a guard came in and took away the television .
9 Then he pulled himself together and said , as they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy : ‘ Now if we were cops inside the covers of a detective story , Mike , we 'd know for sure that Hatton was killed to stop Pertwee getting married today . ’
10 We will know for ourselves the experience of God speaking through his written revelation to us .
11 ; Mij All twelve writers will come to a glitzy show biz type lunch at the Cafe Royal , hosted by David Frost , and that 's where we will know for the first time , who 's , who is the overall winner , the runner-up and the third place writer .
12 The County Council has 28 days in which to appeal , then it 'll know for sure whether it 's the budget or jobs which will have to be cut .
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