Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] go down " in BNC.

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1 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
2 Nowadays the attitude seems totally the opposite ; the modern-day prop appears to say : ‘ I may go down in the scrummage , but I will never go back ’ .
3 I ought to go down to the police station .
4 I must go down now , ’ she went on .
5 , ’ If the quotation is a common one you could acknowledge this fact but turn it into a plus , ‘ We all know the lovely poem by John Masefield , which you can never tire of hearing , ( Pause ) ‘ I must go down to the seas
6 I must go down , she thought , and meet Alan 's friends .
7 I should go down and lay the table , thought Marion .
8 so I might go down .
9 I might go down tomorrow actually .
10 Or if they were going for a day then I might go down and
11 No , oh I know what I never got that ai n't finished I 'll have to go down the shops , I might go down
12 but er , but tomorrow I might go down and get some again you see , cos they were really nice
13 I 'll go down and keep watch one night if she likes . ’
14 To hell with it , I 'll go down fighting , it will break me on my terms if it breaks me at all .
15 And now , if you 'll excuse me , I 'll go down to see Barbara before the police descend on her .
16 I 'll go down an' bring it all up , ’ said Ella , whose energy kept her plumpness active .
17 I 'll go down , ’ Daak had said .
18 I 'll go down and wait for him , so he wo n't have to ring "
19 ‘ Okay , you hold the rifle , and I 'll go down on you . ’
20 Even if they get me , I 'll go down fighting . ’
21 I 'll go down to the station and talk to Perks , ’ she thought .
22 I 'll go down and sort it out tomorrow , ’ the girl said with an attempt at eagerness .
23 I 'll go down to the village and see if they 've got any newspapers and magazines . ’
24 ‘ I think I 'll go down to see her tonight , ’ Terry said .
25 ‘ If it would help , I 'll go down and see him . ’
26 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
27 And , if you do n't mind , I think I 'll go down to the beach now . ’
28 And then I 'll go down and ge for the governor and say , alright governor ?
29 I 'll go down to the pool and have a barbecue there .
30 I 'll go down
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