Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … we were both pulling in opposite directions , and I felt Brian was siding with his mother rather than standing up for me or remaining in the middle .
2 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
3 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
4 Classes are fine when you 're teaching them or learning in them , very long and boring when you 're just an observer .
5 Try to recognize your needs , and try to spend time fulfilling them or asking for them .
6 Er then election day we were out all day with , with a driver of a car getting people out and for them or going through the motions .
7 effect so erm whether that means actually working directly for them or working for a company who specializes in erm the management of historic erm buildings or environments or areas .
8 Small peasant farmers can not compete with capitalist concerns , with the result that they often lose their land to them and end up working for them or migrating to the towns in search of wage labour .
9 ‘ I can just see him looking down that long nose of his and saying in that sanctimonious voice : ‘ there 's something you ought to know , Mr O'Shea … ’
10 Let my lord pass on before his servant , and I will lead on slowly , according to the pace of the cattle which are before me and according to the pace of the children , until I come to my lord in Seir . ’
11 ‘ Certainly not … to catch me here ! ’ said the third , lifting on the breeze above me and hovering over the top of the pole where the trap was .
12 The second thing productive I do n't think it 's productive for people to interrupt start shouting at me and chairing at me or shout shout at the platform cos I think all that 's gon na happen there is the meetings gon na disintegrate and nothing will be as right .
13 She was shouting at me and shouting at her own helplessness .
14 He 's thinking about sitting near me and straining to be near without touching .
15 She said , ‘ Every year I end up taking a pair of rubber gloves with me and looking after the children , and every year I end up coming home feeling exhausted .
16 It was then that I experienced a side of Max that I had not known before : he was most caring and attentive , almost maternal , getting doctors and nurses , staying with me and looking after me in every way .
17 And like , Scott told me and thinking about it if I 'd of been in in the frame , frame of mind that I 'm in know for example , I would of sort of pah !
18 I drafted a statement for the trade union , detailing the nature of their support for me and hinting at a readiness to take further action were the matter not resolved in days .
19 The sun 's warmth falls on my body , its rays filling me and driving from me all fear and shadows .
20 Before I was dependent on drugs , then I was dependent on people hugging me and talking about my problems .
21 But now he was cuddling me and whispering in my ear with helpless pleading , " Hold me — hold me — " Suddenly I was hugging him with all my strength ; our bodies were strung tight together and we were kissing each other 's cheeks with little frantic kisses — we could n't bear to draw apart even enough to find each other 's lips .
22 His interest and concern calmed me and sitting in his study at the back of the church I felt more at peace than I had in a long time .
23 I keep remembering the last night we were here — same hotel and all — and how Matt and I went out and got stinko-paralytico together and ended up doing the Zorba dance and got thrown out and Matt pointing at me and saying to the waiters Hey do n't you recognize Mista Rick from Parkway Peninsula and they did n't and made us pay for the plates .
24 His English was reserved for me and he kept shouting at me and pleading with me to check that ‘ all equipment ’ and ‘ my suitcase — the brown one , you know ’ were all safely stowed .
25 Keeping records of personnel , updating them and reporting on this information is the foundation of any personnel system .
26 Therefore it was natural that the ploughing should be done in one extended visit to the field : it was convenient that this should fall in the forepart of the day while the afternoon was spent , by the oxen in resting , and by their driver and ploughman in feeding them and seeing to their wants .
27 Driving Me Crazy mercilessly records the squalls , the vibrant performances and the inertia of the production team , who spend most of their time solemnly discussing what black music means to them and jockeying for pole position .
28 Driving Me Crazy mercilessly records the squalls , the vibrant performances and the inertia of the production team , who spend most of their time solemnly discussing what black music means to them and jockeying for pole position .
29 This woman with a red headscarf is looking at them and chatting to the man behind the stall .
30 I earn my living by observing them and commenting on them .
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