Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our hearer may even reject them outright as false .
2 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
3 I found it odd that Robert had chosen to distinguish me alone as English and wondered how he saw himself and Lili and I found it odd that Lili had chosen to lay claim to Englishness .
4 Carradine struck me somehow as unusual , even for the City .
5 ‘ You mean you 're not going to work me over as usual ?
6 In order to keep things that way , the agency was obliged to keep track of other US intelligence operations that might prove embarrassing and to head them off as necessary .
7 ‘ People have been writing them off as long as I can remember , but they love nothing better than proving their critics wrong , ’ he said .
8 ‘ People have been writing them off as long as I can remember , but they love nothing better than proving their critics wrong , ’ he said .
9 Beside Charlie on the floor was a pile of clothes from which he pulled jackets , macs and shirts before throwing them aside as unsuitable .
10 Just as long as you just as long as you know what , what does n't go in what then like you can just chuck any old thing in .
11 And bacon 's not fattening grilled on this diet , you can eat as much bacon as you like as long as you cut the fat off and grill it .
12 Well , do n't worry , Lizzy , because I never want to touch you again as long as I live . ’
13 there 's my son showing me up as usual
14 The Glosters held them back as long as they could .
15 One of Assad 's closest confidantes ( and Monzer al-Kassar 's brother-in-law ) , Dubah was the cartel 's principal enforcer , frequently co-opting Ahmed Jibril 's PFLP — GC , the Abu Nidal faction and other Palestinian terrorist groups to do his dirty work as well as using them routinely as part-time agents in his ‘ legitimate ’ intelligence operations .
16 ‘ We 'll hold them here as long as we can . ’
17 In 1576 , she insisted that her new Archbishop of Canterbury , Edmund Grindal , should suppress prophesyings , and when he disobeyed and challenged her right as supreme governor to decide on the matter , she suspended him from office .
18 M. Berton regarded him alone as capable of directing [ diriger ] the large Paris Opéra orchestra , after himself .
19 Pleasure interests him only as long as its quickening of local awareness contributes to his overall awareness .
20 We used to mark her up special on the calendar ; and we took care to make a right good job of her : we took an extra lot of trouble with her shoes so we could keep her away as long as we could .
21 We 'd get a confession out of him easy as blinking .
22 A sense of fatalism kept her still as long legs in thigh-hugging jeans were lowered on to the chair .
23 I 'll hold her off as long as I can .
24 When his secretary rings , put him off as long as you decently can .
25 Mrs Shirley Hayden , headteacher of Our Lady 's school in nearby Crowthorne , Berks , said : ‘ Oliver had been waiting for his mother to pick him up as usual at 3.15pm .
26 I 'll try to keep her here as long as I can if it will help . ’
27 He held her tightly as violent tremors ran through her slender body .
28 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
29 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
30 She sent him a message saying she would never see him again as long as she lived .
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