Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] he that " in BNC.

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1 I asked him that last night , ’ admitted Jennifer .
2 side , I , I asked him that and he said he did n't , well I , I think he was lying
3 You go up on it and it 's Mr Chuff So I got him that .
4 for granddad , well I ca n't get that from the kids and that 's it , that was to my dad so I got him that one in the end
5 Well I told him that , that I was getting very tired but he would 've just worried about me coming back down you know
6 Ye well I told him that , yeah ?
7 That 's what he told me when I interviewed him that second time in Buenos Aires . ’
8 I give him that assurance .
9 I give him that absolute assurance .
10 So I showed him that letter you had .
11 I owe him that . ’
12 I taught him that too .
13 Oh gawld , move forward a bit , so that 's what I was going to get , but erm in BeWise they 've got erm checked shirts and they 're five ninety nine this brushed cotton thing , so I thought if I get him that waistcoat and a pair of cords , erm and get him one of these brushed cotton shirts that 'll be that sort of colour
14 We agreed that the accusation was obviously nonsense , but I warned him that rape , like child abuse , was a powerfully charged topic at present in England .
15 ‘ I did n't want to tell you I saw him that last night , for … well …
16 I gave him that shilling .
17 And he had half of I gave him that banana desert .
18 I leave him that night .
19 May I remind him that inflation has come down from 10.9 to 3.7 per cent. , that interest rates have been cut by 4.5 percentage points and that we have the lowest level of inflation for 25 years — below that of west Germany .
20 When she met him that evening and explained her predicament , he was happy to fall in with her plans .
21 She visited him that day .
22 and what 's , Richard 's been , did you give him that duster ?
23 ‘ Oh — you told him that ! ’ chorused Ethel and Mary .
24 You told him that ? ’
25 You told him that thing .
26 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
27 She give him a tenner and she give him that box with bloody channel change on !
28 Now , why had she told him that ?
29 You tell him that .
30 You tell him that , son . ’
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