Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 What made me laugh was the Conservative broadcast on Wednesday was real propaganda , trying to frighten you to death that if the Labour got in
2 But the real discovery for me has been the final item on Disc 1 , the Messe des Pauvres , composed , incredibly , in 1895 .
3 The interesting feature for me has been the wider range of climbers active on the hard classics .
4 Well yes it is certainly fascinating to hear the views of , of members an and indeed it , it 's tempting to go on I think about or personal experience of floods , but this is not the time or the place I would suggest to do that erm strategic planning seems to me has been the venue for discussions with Southern Water Authority with the National Rivers Authority itself , we are the committee that tries to look many , many years ahead .
5 Alas , they were not safe , and what happened to them has been a matter of considerable argument .
6 Key among them has been a failure in the UK to build appropriate or adequate bridges between business , the universities , and other sources of innovation like the national laboratories .
7 Ballymena , still without the injured Stevie Smith , have something to prove from what for them has been a poor season .
8 Two other Section I matches see Schweppes Cup winners North Down entertaining North , with the aim of finishing third in the league to complete what for them has been a fine season .
9 These conflicts have , of course , had diverse and individual causes , but common to them has been a change in the political environment in which public enterprises operate .
10 Prominent among them has been the thesis of the American sociologist Robert Merton to the effect that the values associated with Protestant asceticism gave a positive stimulus to the practical sciences .
11 Most significant for them has been the need to adapt to the much greater degree of bureaucratic organization which has followed the 1973 Act , the great landmark in their careers .
12 My dialogue with them has been an important part of the process of valuing their own contributions .
13 For them driving is a relaxing hobby and its all about having fun … except that is when the judge is watching …
14 That was how I wanted it to be , but what made me ache was the knowledge that Jo could n't have all she wanted : to he the writer of stories , whose stories were her children , but heart-breakingly not to have Laurie .
15 I asked is the haddock finnan ? ’ said a querulous voice .
16 The most popular German salami that I sell is the square peppery variety , which is very finely minced pork and beef coated on the outside with ground black peppercorns ( see p7 ) .
17 I mean is a carbonate erm an alkali ?
18 Erm I mean is a a British private limited company .
19 There may well be standard poodle in the Irish Water Spaniel but the Newfoundland I mean is a big heavy dog .
20 Aha That 's right , it would be somebody of one rung down perhaps from and half a rung down from if you can put that in context I mean is an absolute beginner she knew nothing about this business two and a half years ago
21 The sort of shade I mean is the dappled shade cast by mature apple trees and maples or by the high branches of an oak .
22 What I Mean is the transfer of body weight to the shot .
23 I just wonder , I mean is the nineteen thousand six hundred a full year cost , so which figure is right ?
24 Well can I can I amend my question I mean is the is that a full year cost or is it let me try it again erm .
25 I mean are the just destroyed or are they removed and reused again we do n't know .
26 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
27 I mean was a man he was management .
28 So anyway er I mean being a keen motorcyclist I borrowed a Moto Guzzi last year , you know a big V twin , beautiful bike , I went up into Derbyshire and had a you know ride on it , and thought well that 's not bad , see I 've always had British bikes , and I think I might g I might get one of those , so I came back in the house put the helmet down and said hey that Guzzi 's not bad , I could get a decent one for about two thousand you know about nineteen eighty , you know nice Le Mans Two .
29 I said no you see she 's she 's a perfectionist , I mean being a perfectionist being halfhearted erm , you ca n't help it sort of thing , I suppose that , you know
30 and I said who 's that ? and he went oh god , shit we 're in the wrong tent and they went out and you can hear 'em I mean being a tent they 're laughing their head off for about half an hour
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