Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [that] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This explanation is then offered to others with the intention of getting them to agree that circumstances conspired to prevent you from performing with the excellence and flair that you would , in the normal course of events , have displayed .
2 Five of the twenty-seven staff who made written responses gave the book two stars for pupil popularity , i.e. ‘ very popular ’ ; two of them reported that girls had complained about ‘ having to read about male heroes ’ and that The Machine Gunners , which ‘ girls see as a boy 's book ’ , had frequently been the impetus for such comments .
3 Last month I announced that applications had been invited from 14 units for NHS trust status in April 1993 .
4 The negro was obviously homosexual and I realized that homosexuals had been buying that stuff for years .
5 The moment I got back I realized that things had changed .
6 I realised that men in politics had dominated world attitudes for long enough and although they claimed to be experts on everything , my experience showed that they understood very little .
7 I argued that individuals can gain great advantage from their ability to refine and enrich their methods of communication by this means .
8 There are occasions — perhaps the only occasions when I feel a mild sense of despair in dealing with the affairs of Northern Ireland — when I fear that others assume that all events in Irish history will always repeat themselves exactly .
9 ALL good news , but I fear that taxes may have to go up next year if the Chancellor misses his projected £244.5bn target on spending .
10 Those arrangements do not preclude education authority representatives either being appointed initially by the Secretary of State or subsequently by boards , but I stress that appointments will be made on the basis of personal qualities .
11 This sort of tactic , or cheating , clearly does not have a place in rugby at any level , and I trust that linesmen and referees will be more vigilant and that the TV pundits accept the evidence of their eyes and expose the practitioners of dangerous tactics .
12 I realise that knitters with other makes of machine can not achieve this stitch , which , I suppose , is why one sees few patterns for it .
13 I realise that prices for aquarium plants vary , but recently I purchased 18 pieces of Straight Vallis and 8 pieces of Rotala macrandra and was charged a staggering £9.05 .
14 But there , too , I found that things had changed .
15 I addressed first two ancient problems : the relationship between Luke and Acts ( I found that Acts resembled Luke more than it resembled any other book of the NT ) and the relationship between the Apocalypse and the Gospel of St John ( I found that they differed from each other more than any other two books of the NT ) .
16 He said : ‘ I found that abortions were regularly carried out on women seven , eight , and even nine months pregnant , often against their will , and that there were even cases of officially-instigated infanticide .
17 In both general texts and volumes dealing with special topics , I found that women were often invisible .
18 ‘ When I compared notes with managers in places like Glasgow and Manchester , I found that women there seemed to go for more restrained , less glitzy clothes .
19 Those got taken up with a lot of promotional work , and in my case I found that charities got in touch with me a lot to open fetes , attend jumble sales , etc .
20 While carrying out research for my book , Our Treacherous Hearts : Why Women Let Men Get Their Way ( Faber & Faber , £14.99 ) , I found that men are not only often let off the hook by women , but are actively ‘ idealised ’ by them .
21 So anyway that was one of the reasons , when I found that Brothers was slowly going out of business , when I saw last in , and I asked him if er I could have this thing ?
22 I found that amendments that sought to divert young people from criminal activity would not fit into the Bill because of what an Officer of the House described as ’ the curious geography of the Bill ’ .
23 I know if I say that Notes are really important Alright .
24 When I say that parents will receive this information , I must make it clear that it will not be available on application to those parents who realise that they can obtain it .
25 If the will had been there and secure accommodation and prison accommodation had been available , I suggest that magistrates would have applied the law in the way that was intended when that legislation was passed .
26 When I suggest that women have a strong ability to communicate with each other and form a collective body , it is not to imply that the individual should lose herself entirely in this .
27 The Organising Secretary of the scheme stated : ‘ I suggest that solicitors who participate in the Cardiff Duty Solicitor Scheme are not motivated by money or profit . ’
28 I suggest that doctors should end the battle of faith and stand together to assure continued supply of animal insulin for those who need or want it .
29 I suggest that statements of the foregoing kind sum up what in modern times is a popular view of the kind of thing that scientific knowledge is .
30 I suggest that voices should not be entirely dissociated from the social context in which they function and that therefore all texts in modern spoken languages should be regarded as having ‘ the implication of utterance ’ , and be referred to typical participants in some generalised context of situation .
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