Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our informants had a well-articulated theory of the relation between ‘ work-in-school ’ and success in a life career that allowed them to see work-in-school as the first rung of their adult moral careers .
2 Competition between old males with harems and younger ones without them involves co-operation between males on both sides .
3 They also authorised FERL to approach the former East German authorities of Thüringen , now one of the new ‘ Länder ’ ( regions ) in Germany , to ask them to include provision for community radios in their legislation .
4 Wildlife Conservation International had helped them make contact with interested scientists and individuals .
5 Whereas in the past voters had looked to parties and party workers to help them make sense of politics , this function was now largely given up to television news broadcasts .
6 For example , when goods are entrusted to a repairer for repair , he has a lien over them to compel payment of his repair bill .
7 ‘ Come on in and help me make sense of this life I live . ’
8 You let me make love to you fiercely , you have given yourself to me when you have good cause to hate men ! ’
9 You 'd only let me make love to you that night because you realised I was a better bet than Peter .
10 It is true , however , that for US employers direct control of the workplace was crucial , and many of them fought unionism with every weapon at their command .
11 and you went up there and there 's them building sort of on the top is n't there
12 I 'm telling you this with authority because he 's made me typing monitor in the matter . ’
13 The comment may have been innocent enough , but it caused me to lose confidence in her and from that moment on something in me just froze .
14 Paul Girouard in The Return to Camelot pointed out that the chivalric code of conduct ‘ never recovered from the Great War partly because the War itself was such a shattering of illusions , partly because it helped to produce a world in which the necessary conditions for chivalry were increasingly absent ’ and that the absence of so many men at the Front ‘ had put women in a position of responsibility which made many of them distrust chivalry as a form of concealed slavery ’ .
15 Or do you want me to wreak havoc on the supper tables ? ’
16 The main effect of the 1992 programme may well turn out to be psychological , that is to turn the attention of producers from the EC , and other developed economies , towards the European market and to encourage them to gather information on the markets of Europe .
17 The farmer and his family were delighted to watch me eating food with my own small knife and fork .
18 As well as gills , Bichirs have paired air bladders , which allow them to breathe air from the surface of the water .
19 All incoming graduate students ( including non-ESRC funded students ) are expected to participate unless they have already completed a Master 's or equivalent coursework elsewhere which would allow them to claim exemption from some or all requirements .
20 New legislation to allow them to claim interest against late payments could come into effect soon .
21 She told me that if I left Roy and went home she would forgive me having Carla and everything … forgive me bringing shame on them by marrying a hoodlum .
22 It was concluded that mammalian carnivores produce greater degrees of breakage generally than do avian raptors , and there are sufficient differences between them to enable identification of the predator on breakage pattern alone at least to family level .
23 Drama provides another major resource in overcoming passivity , in stimulating children to become actively involved in thinking about language , and in helping them to enjoy literature at school so that they will continue to read and to act and to attend theatrical performances for the rest of their lives .
24 Y'know , with only these two lads coming round the house and then both of them got bust in one of the lads ’ house and they blew me up as the one who was supplying them .
25 However , my GCSE courses eventually led me to attend university as a mature student and now I hope to become a solicitor .
26 That there is no popular opposition is testimony not only to how successful they have been , but also to the fact that there appears to be simply no desirable alternative : the British just do not like their politicians enough to want them made head of state .
27 In our feasibility study , we found that these two types were both represented in the samples of social work offered to us as examples of secondary prevention , and a distinction between them made sense to the practitioners .
28 ‘ If you think you 're going to make me treat Sarella in the same sort of way you 're mistaken .
29 When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil .
30 Just before the final moult they develop the piercing lancet which enables them to obtain blood from the mucosal vessels .
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