Example sentences of "[noun pl] set by [art] " in BNC.

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1 But whatever the motives , the Government 's twin aims of handing back the control of unions to the individual members , and ensuring that trade unions act within bounds set by a democratic state , are ones that should have been promoted by the left .
2 As will be discussed below , the treatment of detainees suspected of security offences is still open to serious questioning , but the operations of the penal system itself continue within the bounds set by the Statute of Rights .
3 We could see it as providing an insurance fund against loss caused by ( usually ) unintentional failure to keep within the bounds set by the principles of public law .
4 The weakest test of conformity with the no-arbitrage condition uses the bounds set by the transactions costs of arbitrage .
5 The tribunal said it appeared that Ms Oruene had brought the complaint in the mistaken but genuine belief that graduates of English or Scottish universities who did not have passes in the compulsory subjects set by the faculty would still have been granted exemptions from the exams .
6 Whereas the standards and styles set by the peer group can set highly influential markers around acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for young people it is in individual friendships that young people find support and security , negotiate their emotional independence , exchange information , put beliefs and feelings into words and develop a new and different perspective of themselves .
7 The absence of alternatives to becoming highly dependent on private companies may leave little choice but to accept the parameters set by the ideology of the firm as a family .
8 It has thus politicised the problem of violence beyond the parameters set by the law and order debate .
9 The use and refinement of existing powers The legal and operational precedents set by the strike were being followed and expanded by the police almost as soon as the dispute was over .
10 Those who argue for participatory democracy believe active citizenship can not be established within the limitations set by the existing liberal-democratic framework .
11 From 1967 to 1979 , tuna catch quotas set by the Commission were approved by the IATTC countries .
12 It was later estimated that , because of the rising price of oil and increasing production quotas set by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , this figure was an underestimate .
13 One of the preconditions set by the African National Congress ( ANC ) for negotiation was the lifting of the state of emergency in its entirety .
14 It is a rolling assessment , which is recosted every year in the late summer so that the effects of financial targets set by the Treasury for the coming year can be fully assessed before the Cabinet starts its Public Expenditure Review in the autumn .
15 At the beginning of the annual costing exercises there is usually a significant gap between the targets set by the Treasury and the genuine requirements of the Services , which no amount of discounting can bridge .
16 The high targets set by the government have meant that colonies have often been badly located , and inadequately supported .
17 Another example of a conflict between official and unofficial group norms can be drawn from a situation where a group itself decides to operate a certain level of output over a given time , regardless of targets set by the management in their search for increased efficiency and productivity .
18 Franco was expected to seek congressional approval for a two-step reform to simplify the tax system and to counter tax evasion , in order to meet performance targets set by the IMF in the January 1992 agreement [ see pp. 38719-20 ] for the disbursement of credits .
19 The targets set by the School Management Task Force are realistic as part of large-scale management , and the detailed approach of the SDPP is likely to be more immediately valuable to schools .
20 This works like an individual Filofax where copies of appraisals and checklists of personal targets set by the employee are included .
21 Debt reduction and rescheduling agreements with several of Poland 's Western creditor countries were dependent on conditions set by a 1991 agreement with the IMF .
22 But one of the conditions set by the Japanese government was that its people should take part only if there were a ceasefire between the warring parties .
23 They added an essential element of credibility to the high-sounding rhetoric required of franchise bids by the ‘ public service , conditions set by the ITA .
24 The price cuts were in line with conditions set by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and World Bank .
25 A United States State Department official was quoted as saying on April 16 that US sanctions would remain in force pending South Africa 's compliance with the remaining two of five conditions set by the US Congress .
26 This was described as a step towards internal convertibility by 1992 , and to meet conditions set by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
27 Habash stated that the PFLP 's decision was a result of what he described as the " erroneous political line " being pursued by the PLO leadership in accepting conditions set by the United States for the formation of a Palestinian delegation to the Madrid conference .
28 This person is responsible for management leadership within a framework of policy objectives and resources set by the responsible minister , in consultation with the Treasury .
29 Questions set by the computer , which then supplies the answer for checking purposes after a randomly set time delay , seem to have a powerful motivating effect and are but one example of the effectiveness of the computer 's simulating the random elements which the pupil experiences in everyday life and work .
30 The principles set by the schools on both sides of the Atlantic are effectively the same ; they are vocational training centres which make use of speed-learning techniques in a high-energy learning environment .
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