Example sentences of "[noun pl] bring the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its operators bring the dip to the sheep and take away the left-over chemical which is disposed of at an approved site .
2 The Copts bring the money and Osman takes it .
3 To Night his Reapers bring the gather 'd Grain ,
4 Computers bring the ship 's equipment to life and videos help to complete the sensation of being on board .
5 Kennedy 's insistence on keeping Soviet influence out of the Western Hemisphere and miscalculations by both superpowers brought the world to the brink of nuclear conflict in 1962 .
6 The lay brothers brought the fleeces to hamlet and village and collected the spun yarn and woven cloth from the workers .
7 The Union of Railwaymen brought the railways to a halt , the liberal Union of Unions and leading liberal figures proclaimed full support for the strikes , and many employers showed sympathy by lenient treatment of striking workers .
8 The new Union of Railwaymen brought the railways to a halt , a liberal Union of Unions and leading liberal figures proclaimed full support for the strikes , and many employers showed sympathy by lenient treatment of striking workers .
9 Innocent 's chances of intervention rested on his insistence on confirmation of the elected candidate , on the right of appeal to him if misconduct of the election was alleged and on election in his own papal court if both parties brought the case before him .
10 All these complications are extremely rare these days in the United Kingdom , and what few cases there are tend to have acquired their infection in the thirties or forties , before widespread use of antibiotics brought the possibility of permanent cure .
11 The Ottoman conquests of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries brought the Turks to the line of the Sava and the Danube , a line which held for almost five hundred years .
12 By making his close friend Prince Aleksandr Bariatinskii Viceroy of the Caucasus and ordering him to take all necessary steps to bring the campaign against Shamil to a successful conclusion , the tsar gave an innovator scope for the exercise of his talents .
13 It is then up to the Minister to defeat the defence by proving that he had taken reasonable steps to bring the purport of the instrument to the notice of the public or of persons likely to be affected by it , or of the person charged .
14 Although the parquet was then expected to take steps to bring the document to the attention of the defendant , service was already complete and time began to run for various purposes regardless of the date upon which the defendant received actual notice of the proceedings .
15 Provided that the person putting the terms forward has taken reasonable steps to bring the terms to the attention of persons in general , it is irrelevant that those steps were insufficient to bring the terms to the attention of the particular contracting partner , for instance because he/she is illiterate , blind or can not speak the language in which the terms are printed ( Thompson v London Midland and Scottish Railway Co [ 1930 ] 1 KB 41 ) .
16 The Director-General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) , Arthur Dunkel , in a report GATT Activities 1990 released on Aug. 19 , urged the world 's main trading nations to bring the Uruguay Round of trade liberalization talks , launched in 1986 , to a successful conclusion by the end of the year .
17 By mid-September there were some 150,000 US military and support personnel in the region , but on Sept. 13 the senior US commander in the Gulf , Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf , dampened the growing speculation about a possible move on to the offensive in mid-October , expressing the opinion that he needed two months to bring the forces up to strength .
18 IN THE 1970s everyone seemed to be worried about the dangers of work : Jeanne Stellman and Susan Daum , with Work is Dangerous for your Health , and Patrick Kinnersley , with The Hazards of Work , were among the authors to bring the problems to our attention .
19 A raging snow blizzard envelops a unit within 18″ , and the driving ice-laden winds bring the unit to a halt .
20 These transactions bring the amount raised to date from the 1992/93 asset management programme of £1,005 million , of which £363 million represents the disposal proceeds from peripheral upstream interests .
21 At Fort Bragg itself , no gate blocked access to the base , no hard-eyed sentries searched for kef-crazed Iraqis bringing the jihad home .
22 Sitting on the right side of the room means that left eye movements bring the centre of the room into view whereas right eye movements do the opposite .
23 Out of the darkness came Roger Courtney with firm , fast paddle strokes bringing the canoe alongside the Commander .
24 But one practitioner , Eileen Reilly , says that while some unscrupulous healers bring the area into disrepute , there is evidence to show that it does work .
25 Nevertheless , S&N has sold pubs to bring the group below the 2,000 ceiling and Grand Met has sold its breweries .
26 But Bolton , playing attractive passing football , with their two full-backs bringing the ball forward to give the strikers excellent service , were unable to capitalise , mainly due to the efficient marking by Gittens and Calderwood .
27 That means power and coal workers bringing the country to its knees once again .
28 Handsets will be have to offered at about £300 — way below the cost of making them to start with , until volumes bring the cost down — in order to make the service competitive with the cellular duopoly.The company insists that analysts ' worries that there will be a shortage of handsets is unfounded .
29 The extra troops brought the strength of the British army , including the Ulster Defence Regiment , to its highest level since the 1970s , standing at more than 18,000 .
30 The new appointments brought the number of PCP seats to 54 which , together with the support of three conservative independents , was sufficient to ensure a slim majority in the upper chamber .
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