Example sentences of "[noun pl] hold out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The time was in fact ripe , not only for a secession from religion ( which , after all , had never given parents anything very tangible ) , but for a transfer of allegiance from the other traditional reference groups of parents : away from the methods prescribed by folklore , custom and the baby 's grandmother , and towards the new blessings held out by scientific mothercraft .
2 Only a last remnant of Bakufu supporters held out on Hokkaido through to 1869 .
3 And the long-suffering elder , which always looks beautiful , graceful , however much you cut it , with its lacy plates held out to the sun .
4 Clean white half-moons of nails held out for inspection , hands reddened from hot water and soap , hair brushed .
5 Supported by Milan missile firing posts from the battlegroup 's anti-tank platoon , and fire from the mortar platoon and the artillery , the companies held out against probing attacks by enemy reconnaissance patrols of armoured vehicles and tanks .
6 Her call came after the surrender of the last group of rebels holding out at a military air base at Mactan in the central Philippines .
7 Lie flat on the bench with the dumb-bells held out above your chest .
8 This would not involve disclosure of persons held out to be partners : if a party litigating against a firm is unaware of the identity of persons held out as partners , he can not by definition have acted in reliance upon the holding out , so liability under s14 of the Partnership Act can not arise .
9 This would not involve disclosure of persons held out to be partners : if a party litigating against a firm is unaware of the identity of persons held out as partners , he can not by definition have acted in reliance upon the holding out , so liability under s14 of the Partnership Act can not arise .
10 With Amstrad shares edging ahead to 29p , just 1p below the offer price , analysts were expecting shareholders to hold out for a better offer .
11 It thus becomes highly convenient to view the market , in a world of production , as if all entrepreneurial activity were in fact carried on by producers ; in other words , it now becomes convenient to think of resource owners and consumers as passive price-takers , exercising no entrepreneurial judgement of their own and simply reacting passively to the opportunities to sell and buy which the producer-entrepreneurs hold out to them directly .
12 Her arms held out to her sides , she stared at her wet and muddy palms .
13 When they saw Frick , whom they had been told to expect , the Sturmabteilungen snapped to attention , their arms held out in the traditional Nazi salute .
14 All faces turned to Lucenzo , who stood on a chair , his arms held out in a command for silence .
15 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
16 The gentleman 's face lit as his smile came out and he went towards the bed with the intention of grasping the veined hands held out towards him .
17 One of the doors swung open and Silvio emerged , both hands held out to her , his round face beaming .
18 In no time at all Travis had a good fire going , and the heat from it drew her to her knees beside it , hands held out to the warmth .
19 He came forward at once , his hands held out in greeting .
20 ‘ as if I would , ’ he replied , his hands held out in a gesture of mock innocence .
21 Claudia stepped back hastily , her hands held out in front of her .
22 But when she got closer , she could see that the old woman 's colour was feverish and the hands held out in welcome were trembling .
23 Commonwealth leaders meeting in Cyprus have agreed to set up a special mission to lobby key capitals holding out on agreement on the GATT trade negotiations .
24 Only a few states held out against Europe as staunchly as did Ethiopia .
25 Domke , the German captain , converted a penalty corner after 50 minutes and England 's weary defenders held out against a succession of corners for a special victory .
26 A handful of snipers held out to the last , and received no quarter .
27 Charles swept the land twice with his armies , burning and killing wherever he could find victims , but the Saxons held out in the impenetrable forests and marshes , closing in behind the Frankish military movements .
28 The company formed its well-rehearsed line in front of the pageant , their scarlet purses held out like gaping mouths .
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