Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh adv] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We should pay the coaches to go to tournaments and watch and perhaps they could put over to the kids how hard they have to work ’
2 While we await the outcome of the general election , does he have any plans to discuss with the Northern Ireland parties how best we can all further inward investment ?
3 But in terms of actual control , we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict .
4 But eventually the truth will emerge in areas where now we can only make guesses .
5 The central idea to transmit is that any programme is a formal device through which rewards can be provided when the problem does not occur in circumstances where sometimes it does , and through which disincentives are provided whenever the problem does occur .
6 We should like to be constructive and we shall consider with our allies how best we can respond .
7 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
8 Sales of Knowlton 's and other pamphlets soared , selling in millions over the next few years when previously they had sold in tens of thousands ( Teitelbaum 1984 ) .
9 There would be so many empty years when finally they had to say good-bye .
10 At the IX Party Congress that year , both Ion Maurer and Alexandru Bârladeanu emphasized in their speeches to the delegates how much they owed to Nicolae Ceauşescu 's inspiration .
11 The commission 's guidelines include setting a clear overall policy , making sure managers have up-to-date information on arrears , and telling tenants how much they owe and how debts will be recovered .
12 Gulls picked at the mudbanks where once he 'd searched for jewellery .
13 A pro knows within a few yards how far he can hit the ball with each club — unlike the club golfer who has a wide variation from day to day , and even from hole to hole .
14 But she would often tell friends how keenly she felt a responsibility not just for her employees ' jobs , but for their health , their mortgages , their children 's educations and the entire survival of the rural community in Carno .
15 Better surely to embrace it in the company of those one has loved , and as one slips away , to know from their tears how much they have loved one too .
16 They still employed enough hired and expensive help to negotiate for them , but with instructions how far they could go .
17 If you think about the problems that there are with mathematics , whereby it 's not just a question of scanning print from left to right , but that you were involved in processes where sometimes you 're moving from left to right and sometimes from right to left , sometimes vertically .
18 We invited you to highlight from a list of adjectives how best you would describe our tuition services .
19 One market research survey into the purchase of a particular brand of ready-mix pudding named the article and asked housewives how often they bought it .
20 When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we cried !
21 I headed out of town and found the path through the woods where earlier I had seen the white hound running .
22 Erm me , myself and Steve are currently working on er , health and safety for contractors coming on site purpose to work etcetera and one of reasons why well he than ever before on this , visi visitor 's information when they 're on site on the back of cars it would , it would have been a nice thing to do would have been to have joined the whole lot together .
23 This rather vague account satisfied and stimulated the interest of most people ; fieldworkers began asking interviewees how long they had lived in the area and moved on to discuss their general attitudes and background .
24 For Opposition Members to suggest that we should have nuclear weapons but not the ability to test shows how little they understand the responsibility that lies with a nuclear power .
25 Kausmann shows how far we have come from the 19th century , when a girl 's linen box , full of beautifully embroidered monogrammed sheets , was part of her dowry .
26 The graph below shows how long it takes for the present value of £1,000 per year to reach £15,000 .
27 This is unrealistic , but outward appearances do indicate to others how much we value ourselves .
28 A survey asked 1,245 randomly selected college professors how much they gave to charity each year .
29 On the latter point , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made it plain in his statement that we shall explore further with Russia and the other republics how best we can assist in the provision of employment for the scientists within the CIS to prevent them from going abroad .
30 Another useful extra storage space is behind cabinet doors where again you might fix narrow shelves or hooks .
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