Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also known as Koblernigh , these Welsh mining fairies are cousins of the Cornish KNOCKERS .
2 ‘ Meetings of all the Palestinian institutions are starting in order to clarify and decide the prospects for the political action in the future , ’ Arafat aide Hakam Balawi said last night .
3 Most of the criticisms levelled against the world 's religions are criticisms of failure .
4 The cold war may be over and dead , but spooks still rule OK — the US Central Intelligence Agency has warned more than 70 US defence , aerospace and financial companies that their industrial secrets are targets of French intelligence agents and diplomats , Defense Week reports , adding that the warning has caused Hughes Aircraft Co to drop plans to exhibit aerospace equipment at the Paris Air Show in June ; a 21-page French government document from about 1990 outlines US aerospace and defence corporate secrets in which French companies are interested , US officials say ; according to the Washington Post , Hughes officials said they were told one item the French memo lists is Hughes ' HS601 communications satellite ; French firms recently outbid Hughes to provide $258m in communications birds to Arab lands .
5 Most of the other ornaments are terracotta including two handsome dogs which guard the patio .
6 The giants are experts on working the crowd up into ‘ He 's behind you ! ’ pantomime scenarios and on making the physical manoeuvres look and sound bruising .
7 " They may be familiar with the paintings of Whistler , or perhaps with Whistler 's statement that when evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry , as with a veil , and the poor buildings lose themselves in the dim sky , and the tall chimneys become campanili , and the warehouses are palaces in the night , and the whole city hangs in the heavens , and fairyland is before us — then the wayfarer hastens home , and Nature , who , for once , has sung in tune , sings her exquisite song to the artist alone , her son and her master — her son , in that he loves her , her master in that he knows her ? " … shall I read you that deposition again , Mrs James ? "
8 Most familiar note is long quavering hoot , but equally often heard , especially from young birds in late summer and autumn , is a sharp ‘ ke-wick ’ ( These two notes are origin of traditional ‘ tu-whit , tu-whoo ’ ) .
9 Promissory notes are bills of exchange to which special rules are applicable .
10 Right erm these notes are sort of based on a lecture that I went to when I was in sixth form erm and the theme for it is , Men And Women , Do We Speak The Same Language ?
11 Lions are enemies of zebras .
12 Although gestures can misfire and some serious suicide attempts fail ( it is not always easy to distinguish between the gesture and the serious attempt ) , both acts are expressions of immense aggression and can leave behind a trail of guilt and remorse .
13 Ideologies are constructions of reality that serve to support claims to power or authority ( Holzner 1972 : 144 ) .
14 Behind the breakdown in discussions are charges from the Canadians that the Reagan administration has systematically disrupted the work of the scientists .
15 Fundamental to all such discussions are assumptions about the rate of evolution of decorative styles and the definition of the circumstances in which such evolution took place .
16 Herons are masters of this technique .
17 The first shift away from this kind of deixis is where the centre of orientation ( origo ) but not the related objects are part of the canonical situation .
18 All other objects are incident at =45° .
19 When you perform this algorithm , the states are pairs of numbers ( x , x ) where x
20 At this point it is worth taking a step back from the scene and recalling that the Soviet Union and all the East European states are signatories to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution .
21 Such States are parties to the treaty , but not to the proceedings .
22 States are entitled to rely upon compliance with prescribed procedures when determining which other States are parties to particular treaties .
23 All States are non-parties to the declaration of any other State , but an accepting State is a party to ‘ the system of the Optional Clause in relation to the other declarant States , with all the rights and obligations deriving from Article 36 ’ .
24 States are monoliths with interests , and the main interest of each is the maximization of its power .
25 The safer investments are ones with more people involved .
26 Farmers and vets are part of a culture where very sick or distressed animals are killed .
27 A quarter of all UK vets are graduates of the College whilst worldwide former graduates are daily actively involved in the care and welfare of animals .
28 Microhabitats are habitats on a small scale , e.g. a pile of dead leaves , a hollow tree , a puddle or a stone wall .
29 But if disciplines are bodies of people as well as bodies of knowledge , are not academic courses also ‘ professional ’ in the sense of preparing people for entry to the academic professions ?
30 Some historians have been arguing recently that payments of census and hostilicium specified in some polyptychs are forms of tax collection and demonstrate the continuity of taxation , and of the administrative structures to exact it , from the late Roman period to the Carolingians .
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