Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For budding artists who would like to stage their own exhibition , but are put off by the costs of framing , a visit to the Melford Fine Arts is a must .
2 For budding artists who would like to stage their own exhibition , but are put off by the costs of framing , a visit to the Melford Fine Arts is a must .
3 In state capitals , the standard of museums and of the performing arts is a source of pride , and helping to raise those standards confers prestige and social cachet .
4 Communicating in more than one language and trading in several currencies is a way of life in much of Europe , so many of our Community partners are already comparatively experienced in trading across international boundaries .
5 Severe cases of athlete 's foot , involving the toenails and other areas of the foot ( fissured heels is a symptom ) is usually indicative of a poor state of health in general and needs to be treated holistically .
6 The discovery of Italian bronze coins of the third century BC in the area of modern Yugoslavia may perhaps indicate the presence there of individual pilgrims , tourists , soldiers or traders from Italy , in much the same way that the presence of hundreds of thousands of Islamic silver coins in Viking hoards of the eighth to tenth centuries is a reflection of the eastward penetration of Viking traders , who exchanged objects such as furs , slaves and amber for silver coinage .
7 It must be realized , moreover , that there is a hidden complexity to the apparently simple fact that the natural science of later centuries is a product of that time .
8 Nevertheless , that I may be privileged to tread upon flagstones that worshippers have trod for centuries is a joy .
9 As ketamine is a powerful anaesthetic its uncontrolled use in social settings is a cause for concern , although there is little documented evidence , as yet , that its non-medical use has greatly increased as suggested by media reports .
10 Behind some of the apparent management reluctance to become more actively involved in using statistical methods is a fear of numbers themselves .
11 Margi is a natural .
12 The resistance of British savers to the charms of UK equities is a source of continuing frustration to the Conservative Party , the retail broking industry and pressure groups advocating wider share ownership .
13 Alan Milburn , who is fighting Tory MP Michael Fallon for the Darlington seat , said health ministers were insulting Northerners by claiming ‘ that artificially removing patients from waiting lists is a success story . ’
14 Even looking around the kitchen in order to make up the shopping lists is a task involving observation , forward thinking and memory .
15 If this sounds like love-letter language we should not be surprised , because the relationship into which God invites believers is a love-relationship .
16 One of these possible signals is a panic attack when adrenalin is released into the blood stream and an acute anxiety spiral may then be set into effect .
17 Whether a system with finitely many basic signals is a system of communication in the strong sense — that is , a linguistic system — depends on whether the characteristic behaviour within which and against which it is interpreted is complex enough to sustain attributions of higher-order beliefs and intentions to the creatures concerned .
18 The antenna that will pick up the signals is a 12-metre dish built in the US and specially erected at the Rutherford and Appleton Laboratory at Chilton .
19 ‘ Having kids is a privilege , a joy , or it should be , and , by God , I 'll get the County down on you if I see you strike that boy of yours on the head again !
20 However , the huge increase taking place in the installed base of readers is a signal that CD-ROM is now being bought and used much more widely .
21 A set of waves is a group of waves which are larger than average .
22 ‘ The classic trap for large animals is a pit with sharpened staves pointing upwards .
23 In the end , however , to diminish the welfare of some animals is a price we must be willing to pay for making the world better for others , both human and nonhuman . ’
24 ( This implies of course that consciousness in animals is a hypothesis for which there can be no evidence at all unless we resort to anthropomorphism , which we usually do . )
25 Their plausibility requires that the disinclination to be cruel to animals is a mark of true humanity ; part of its content , rather than merely a possible cause of it .
26 Somewhere at the back of your eyes is a show of recognition .
27 A The commonest cause of protruding eyes is a condition known as ‘ Popeye ’ ( Latin name { Exopthalmia } ) .
28 The training of Christian journalists is a priority for AENS .
29 If it is accepted that what motivates interest in redistributive impacts is a desire to be ‘ fair ’ , then the studies that are carried out using current measures of economic status may often by misleading .
30 Hampton Utilities is a member of the British Jewellers Association , and its skilled craftsmen can carry out all sorts of repairs to silverware , antique and modern , including cutlery , candlesticks , mirrors and regimental medals .
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