Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Prior to this time , the early seventies , there was no real precedent for autonomous women 's groups organizing around a woman-only issue .
2 The commission has responsibility for appointing auditors for local authorities using either the District Auditor service or auditors from the private sector .
3 French doctors have treated dozens of patients in minutes using only a local anaesthetic .
4 Yet exactly the same trait , if too high , can disrupt and disable , in some cases bringing about the symptoms of anxiety neurosis .
5 ‘ By this time I had waited about 15 minutes hanging on the phone and the clerk had not confirmed any booking . ’
6 The Norman Towers — Entering through these it is easy to imagine the Knights of the Middle Ages setting off for battle , banners flying and a host of bowmen and falconers bringing up the rear .
7 This exclusion is designed to focus the Merger Regulation on operations bringing about a lasting change in the structure of the undertakings concerned .
8 Dalgliesh raised it with careful fingers touching only the extreme edge of the cloth and saw underneath a smudge of blood on the carpet about two centimetres long and thicker at the right end than at the left .
9 She ate dinner alone before a fire made of driftwood that sent salty blue flames leaping up the chimney .
10 The emigration has been encouraged by a series of British Nationality Acts stripping even the 3.25 million people holding Hong Kong ‘ British ’ passports of any rights to residence in Britain .
11 They appeared in law school classrooms and law review articles , then as lawyers ' arguments in particular cases at law , then as judicial arguments in dissenting opinions explaining why the majority opinion , reflecting the orthodoxy of the time , was unsatisfactory , then as the opinions of the majority in a growing number of cases , and then as propositions no longer mentioned because they went without saying .
12 The following morning we were up at 3.00am , accepted slices of bread and jam and joined the line of headtorches walking up the glacier .
13 However , tests showed that a faster schedule could be operated with a train of Gresley 's comfortable coaches seating double the number of passengers and hauled by one of his steam ‘ Pacific ’ type locomotives .
14 Walk on round to those cliffs and you come to what seem like utterly derelict sheds hanging on the edge of the precipice , stinking of goat : these are stacked with piles of skins for tanning , which goes on below in Brobdingnagian wooden barrels and enormous concrete troughs .
15 The scene is before me as I write , the garden with its sun-warmed walls , the last of the black cherries hanging on the tree , the sky webbed with long pink clouds .
16 The two pictures hanging on the wooden beam in the left of the photograph perhaps show a more popular way of displaying miniatures , which is nonetheless very attractive .
17 It is a daunting sight : a seventeen-foot drop through a complex arrangement of boulders , holes , standing waves , scissor waves , and lateral waves rebounding off a sheer wall on the right .
18 A public discussion was held between the groups , the designers explaining how the machines would work .
19 I kept seeing these double helices like two snakes winding up an invisible tree , only smaller .
20 In string theories , what were previously thought of as particles are now pictured as waves traveling down the string , like waves on a vibrating kite string .
21 Much of its stealth comes from a design that minimises the chance of radar waves bouncing back the way they came .
22 He has just broken one of his records deliberately and is on his knees picking up the pieces as he talks to himself .
23 IF EVER any miserable bastards were looking for evidence in the tedious ‘ American Bands Are Better Than Their Limp Bit Counterparts ’ argument , then the imbalance between Yanks Velvet and Glaswegian wranglers Perspex would ( unfortunately ) send the US-ophiles sprinting around a victory lap at Wem-ber-lee Stadium .
24 He drew her against him , his lips seeking out the smooth plane of her cheek , the full , ripe curve of her mouth .
25 Projections suggest that FUNCINPEC will have 57 seats in Cambodia 's constituent assembly , against the CPP 's 52 , with minor parties picking up the remaining 11 seats .
26 In schools serving either the suburban middle classes or the semi-skilled occupational groups on a council estate the classification of children by gender was weaker than that found in the ‘ traditional working-class ’ school .
27 But she ultimately reached the Rante and was lifted up the death-house steps looking little the worse for wear and , if anything , pinker with health .
28 From tomorrow trailers will be restricted to still pictures detailing only the name , price , publisher and availability of the magazine .
29 He was trembling now , his back still against the door , his eyes searching out the ill-formed contours within the room .
30 Once it had been on the top deck of a multistorey car park in town , with shoppers passing only a few feet away on the other side of a layer of tinted glass , and she 'd felt like a tight-fitting skin over a multiple explosion that was sounding off again and again and again .
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