Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , there is a group of institutions where only a minority of students are on advanced courses .
2 In houses where only the ground floor is centrally heated , the patient may not feel comfortable in the upstairs area , so if this is where he is to be , for other practical reasons , he will need heaters in his room , or the central heating system should be extended .
3 That , that 's a sensible kind of conclusion to draw and perhaps this would meet Kirsty 's point as well , because the what you might be tempted to say is look erm , in our cultures we have , we have absorbed from our cultures ways of seeing the world , bits about history and things restructure our thoughts and even when we try and do something new , I 'd say let's have a revolution everybody , put up your barricades , you know , actually we had some great fun in the sixties with that erm the , when this happens there 's a tendency to nevertheless do it in the traditional way , in other words although obviously the sixty eight revolution was about a completely different issue than the seventeen ninety eight revolution , it was very much later in history .
4 They will make fewer awkward demands than either the Catalans or the Basques .
5 The Labour party first committed itself to abolition of the House of Lords in 1910 , yet it has done less to diminish the power of hereditary peers than either the Liberals or Conservatives .
6 It attracted more retail savings than even the government , which spares no effort to tap the market .
7 The second involves the settling of cells onto a slide surface through a sucrose , saline or other solution , and has been used principally for oocytes , but may be useful for spermatocytes if only a thin suspension is available .
8 It 's a shame that the word ‘ refined ’ has acquired prissy connotations because both the shop and the stock of London 's newest lingerie outlet is refined in the best possible sense of the word .
9 Listed here are the total populations of those countries where each language has official status — this will overestimate the number of speakers because only a relatively small number of Indians , for example , will actually speak English .
10 Drug pushers have been warned to stay away from legal rave parties after almost a hundred people were arrested at an event over the weekend .
11 Some are veritable campuses where students can learn about logarithms as well as lobs , fine arts as well a s fitness training .
12 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
13 The native ( adult ! ) speaker takes the simple collocation of three words as simultaneously the name of a character and a classic children 's television programme .
14 A gasp of delight escaped her lips as instantly the gardens assumed a new and spellbinding dimension : thousands of light bulbs springing to life , outlining domes and minarets , and other graceful exotic images of the architects ' imagination .
15 It probably fooled the listeners as only the presenter knew I was actually in the studio .
16 This marked the recommencement of the peace process which had been under serious threat in recent months as both the FMLN and the government accused each other of not abiding by the conditions laid down in the January peace treaty [ see pp. 38716 ; 38809 ; 38906 ] .
17 Empirically , an immediate problem arises from the fact that ( 7 ) uses ex ante expectations of relative returns although only the ex post outturn is actually observed .
18 ‘ I know some people are saying we will hit somebody for five or six goals sooner or later , but I 'd rather we had a nice , successful run of 1-0 wins than just a one-off . ’
19 I prefer patterns that do n't produce large areas where only the cotton thread has knitted , so I tend to choose patterns that only have one or two punched holes ( or marked squares on electronic patterns ) counting horizontally .
20 Areas where almost no change from current air quality will be allowed .
21 The underlying idea is that citizens are expected to keep control over their behaviour , but that in circumstances where even a person of normal self-control might be provoked , the offence may be reduced from murder to manslaughter .
22 Any realistic model should incorporate more elements than simply the relative importance of leading officers and councillors , otherwise a distorted and simplistic picture of power inside local authorities will emerge .
23 I would like to suggest that an answer to this question should address broader concerns than simply a desire to make a representation of appearance .
24 Charged with the setting up of a central UK single professional register of nurses , midwives and health visitors , and mindful of its responsibilities for enhancing professional standards , the UKCC first began looking at the issue of mandatory refreshment for nurses and health visitors while still a shadow body in 1982 .
25 He does , however , urge that disclosure orders ought not to be made save in the most exceptional circumstances lest otherwise the public interest underlying the immunity be insidiously destroyed .
26 To make the buoyancy up to competition standards the foam is longer than used in similar models though overall the Aqua-Pak is about the same length .
27 There are very pressured days , says Jackie , when she has several visits as well a clinic , when she goes up every front path praying both mum and babe will be problem-free .
28 However this definition firmly identifies the contribution of physical geographers to the investigation of soils as primarily a historical or global one and that is not necessarily unanimously accepted in all the books produced by physical geographers in the 1970s ( Table 5.1 ) .
29 They turned into Candlewick , now thronged with carts , pack horses and wagons as virtually every tradesman in the city seized the opportunity afforded by the break in the weather .
30 For other plants where either the proportion of leaves to total biomass is not constant ( e.g. maize ) or the leaves are a smaller proportion of the biomass ( e.g. shrubs ) such a relationship may not exist .
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