Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then a man with more than a few hairy £10 notes sticking out of his ears said , " We 'll build a factory there , and another one over his hill here .
2 If he could root back through the maze of moment and incident , would he find premonitory signs sticking out like dire figurations of chicken entrails ?
3 They moved on again with the river coursing slowly in the growing light beside them and the birds darting out in front of their horses ' knees .
4 There was a low-slung sofa with a faded loose cover ; a rocking-chair with canvas strips hanging out of the bottom ; and a broad oak table on metal castors .
5 The climbing was superb , with pitches of about Very Severe and many of the larger pebbles sticking out of the rock create great hand holds .
6 The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky , moss-bedecked flints sticking out of the ground like primitive blades .
7 ‘ The beds are unmade and there are dirty knickers sticking out of the washing machine .
8 There is a great deal of scalic movement , though it is mostly hidden by notes leaping out of direction and back again .
9 His hand slid down over her back , his fingers splaying out over the firm swell of her bottom , pulling her body closer still to his .
10 These punishments include having ‘ the throat cut across , the tongue torn out by the root ’ and being ‘ buried in the sand of the sea at low water … ’ — this explains why you tend to find heads sticking out of the beach who refuse to tell you that they 're up to .
11 Afterwards Martha provided ham and a salad with hard-boiled eggs like gleaming bald heads sticking out from limp lettuce leaves for the few people who turned up .
12 Sitting on the tall range , its small legs sticking out over the bright brass rail which acted both as a safety barrier round the hotplates and as a place to hang grubby kitchen towels , the small attendant 's face was almost at the same level as the human 's .
13 In the living room , with her almost translucent white legs sticking out of her dressing-gown , Mum was drawing .
14 Agnes is losing patience and revenue , I 've practically got my legs sticking out of the Boomerang window , when there 's this heavy handslap on the roof of the car .
15 The puppies were entrancing — English springer spaniels with silky coats , long , soft ears and beautiful , intelligent eyes , three German shepherds showing promise of becoming magnificent animals , Yorkshire terriers , timid and appealing , with their sharp little eyes gazing out from under their long hair , and two Jack Russell terriers , already boisterous and full of life .
16 All you could see of any of them was a pair of very pink ears sticking out behind old copies of the Woman 's Own .
17 It appeared to have had wings , and a number of spikes sticking out of its back .
18 That was to the tune of 38–3 in an Arms Park qualifying match and sent the Dragons tumbling out of the World Cup .
19 Then , taking a deep breath , he began to talk , the words tumbling out of him as he finally admitted the truth .
20 ‘ Now you mention it , there was one of those wooden blocks with about six knives sticking out of it . ’
21 He stared up at the grey shapes bobbing out in the lagoon .
22 Nevertheless , 1993 will see a number of opportunities opening out in both new geographical markets in South East Asia and West Africa and also as a result of our recently introduced Orion satellite positioning system .
23 You can only see people 's eyes looking out of the eye-holes in the clothes .
24 Tolonen stared at him a moment , nodding , his lips pressed tightly together , his earnest grey eyes looking out from a face carved like granite .
25 According to the Yugoslav news agency , Tanjug , which still has one of the few non-Romanian journalists operating out of the country , the committee consists of lawyers , artists , and workers , but there is still no sign of a leader or a programme .
26 Eventually he 'd give up and walk away , his grey beard moving up and down as he mumbled to himself , the words spilling out of his almost toothless mouth .
27 Street activities have increased by 60 per cent in Moabit and there is evidence elsewhere too of cafés , shops and restaurants spilling out into the street .
28 There was a short gap between the cars sprinting out from Boundary Hall , he gunned his engine and surged forward .
29 Mafouz , Sheikh , Mahmud , Akhtar , and , at the back , their ears jutting out like radio antennae , the Husayn twins with Khan — or Famine , Pestilence and War , as Mr Malik called them .
30 He left the car again , and saw something else on the other side of it — a pair of legs jutting out from the bushes nearby .
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