Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where do evokes the infinitive as a reality , the modals evoke it as a potentiality .
2 Indeed , the researchers expect it to be another 10 years before devices using the technology can come to market .
3 As far as the make-up of the commission is concerned , the Russians want it to be composed of professionals and specialists , while the Germans believe that it should above all have a strong political element ’ .
4 Indeed , as we saw in Chapter 3 , sections 17 and 18 of the Sale of Goods Act expressly recognise that property passes to the buyer at the time the parties intend it to .
5 Section 17 says that property in specific goods passes to the buyer at such time as the parties intend it to be transferred .
6 Property passes when the parties intend it to , section 17 .
7 Ownership passes when ( and not before ) the parties intend it to .
8 The practice of law is not what you want it to be , it is what your clients want it to be .
9 The authors put it to us that every individual has a comfortable , or ‘ setpoint ’ , weight , around which our bodies naturally fluctuate .
10 That control will include switching off heat and lights in unoccupied rooms , regulating heating systems to precise comfort control levels and running air conditioning only when the air sensors show it to be necessary .
11 Hookers owe it to themselves and their loved ones to refuse to play if crouch-touch pause-engage is n't being enforced ’ , he said .
12 As the snake closes in for the kill , its mouth sensors guide it with deadly accuracy .
13 Two lifts link it with the private sun terrace , bathing platform and sea water swimming pool below .
14 The kids get it at school .
15 Structuralists trace it to the workings of a permanent arms economy , necessary both to capitalism and to state capitalism .
16 When flushed , chestnut wings and dangling legs separate it at once from Quail ( p. 105 ) and young Partridges ( p. 103 ) .
17 Feathered legs separate it from all other same-sized birds of prey , except smaller eagles .
18 Confident youth may never imagine a world like this in a million Sundays , but these pictures tell it like it is for by far the majority of us at one time or other ; and I defy anyone to say that it could not be them — be they so lucky as still to be climbing when approaching 80 .
19 Gregory Woods 's remark , quoted at the beginning of this article , suggests , in a rather deliriously utopian , post-Barthes kind of way , that any text can be opened up to a gay interpretation if gay readers decide it to be appropriate — authorial intention is here surrendered in favour of a sort of subcultural authorship , a collective ‘ special thrill ’ , a method of analysis based on a recognition of shared structures of feeling .
20 Most modern text-writers state it with some slight , hesitant reservation ( and this is thought to be the correct view ) .
21 sitting there doing paper work and the ki erm the kids use it as a a an office and what have you , there with their paper work , Sarah does her homework there and we have our meals in there so erm sort of it does n't really matter but er you know it saves them all coming out for a meal , and having to do it cos trouble is it 's too small to keep an eye on people to see if they want anything , everything 's alright and what have you
22 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
23 Virtually all the Japanese martial arts use it as a means of producing extra power from within the body — just as weightlifters make great grunting and groaning noises when attempting a particularly heavy lift .
24 If the police can exploit the technique for measuring the speed of road hogs , dare we hope to find that bats use it for measuring the speed of insect prey ?
25 We normally on the first three months do it on a group basis
26 Now if I could just remind you of what 's happened at the Lyndford Haven er er , Synod , last March erm , the Financial Committee have suggested that we should go for a target of five hundred and ten thousand but er , this is we are not gon na be able to even start looking at the eleven and a half thousand if if er all the provinces do it for months and more and we , I think very bravely or foolishly whatever way you li , look at it , proposed that we should got to five hundred and forty thousand and it looks as thought we 're gon na end up certainly nearer to five ten than five forty .
27 ON A BILLBOARD : Rally drivers do it in stages
28 The local skaters take it upon themselves to remove some dangerous panelling designed to withstand loose board , however the local council see this as an act of vandalism and feeling are strong amongst some councillors to get rid of the ramp .
29 When the screen is completed , a local builder and about half-a-dozen husbands take it to the peace well at the corner of the village green on the Saturday morning .
30 Some organizations see it as an extension of their production process , others as the means by which their product or service is brought to the attention of the marketplace .
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