Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] and the " in BNC.

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1 While the student is encouraged to keep a record of the activities undertaken and the progress achieved in the investigation , there is no requirement for a written report as a means of communicating the results .
2 People came in the summer to walk and to sail and , if development plans succeeded and the roads could be kept clear , they 'd soon be coming in the winter to ski .
3 Through the six months of Alberta 's bitter winter each lady tried to outdo the other in the number of coffee parties given and the number of charitable offices each managed to obtain .
4 the skills or subjects taught and the amount of time allocated to each ;
5 Let us turn to another definition that would give the context-dependent nature of such phenomena more centrality : ( 12 ) Pragmatics is the study of the relations between language and context that are basic to an account of language understanding Here the term language understanding is used in the way favoured by workers in artificial intelligence to draw attention to the fact that understanding an utterance involves a great deal more than knowing the meanings of the words uttered and the grammatical relations between them .
6 ‘ But the crickets stopped and the bird flew away , quite suddenly .
7 Because every colour TV channel soaks up another 8 MHz of bandwidth there is a trade-off between the number of channels carried and the distance between equalisers and amplifiers .
8 The tactics succeeded and the erosion of optional business was stopped .
9 In the case where there are no computers installed and the user is coming at the problem with no previous experience there is really only one answer .
10 Once more their eyes met and the old nun said softly :
11 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
12 After making corrections for the spotting order of the microtitre plates all the data were combined into two files , one listing the probes used and the other listing the hybridisations of all probes to each clone .
13 He lay back by the open window with his eyes closed and the warm breathless air came to him just as in another cooler season heat fanned from the grid lower down the wall .
14 Her patient had finished her tea and now leant back with her eyes closed and the swollen ankle propped up on another chair .
15 Driving through the market place I thought again that Darrowby on Christmas Day was like Dickens come to life ; the empty square with the snow thick on the cobbles and hanging from the eaves of the fretted lines of roofs ; the shops closed and the coloured lights of the Christmas trees winking at the windows of the clustering houses , warmly inviting against the cold white bulk of the fells behind .
16 It is actively looking for more pilot schemes to identify the greater efficiencies needed and the best options available for waste collection .
17 The ‘ fuzzy ’ nature of much geographically distributed data , the inherent errors in it , the effects of the processing algorithms used and the assumption of known interactions between variables ensures that completely routine use by unskilled users is unlikely to be possible in the foreseeable future ;
18 The panel of paired fluorescent antibody combinations used and the inflammatory cell subsets that they recognise were : CD45/14 ( pan-leucocyte/monocyte ) ; CD3/19 ( pan T-cell/pan B-cell ) ; CD3/4 ( pan T-cell/T-helper cell ) ; CD3/8 ( pan T/cytotoxic T-cell ) ; HLA-DR/CD3 ( activated cells/pan-T ) ; and CD16+56 ( natural killer [ NK ] cells ) .
19 Two previous experimental studies have shown an opposite effect , which may be due to the different species or sex of animals used and the methods of assessing cellular proliferation ( stathmokinetic technique v labelling index using tritiated thymidine ) .
20 The structure of sentences , the use of repetition , the linking ( or not ) of thoughts or ideas , the variety of words used and the grammatical structure of sentences yield yet more clues .
21 In both those cases the express words used and the relevant clause could be compared with other express words used elsewhere .
22 This is a detailed description of the evidence , the methods used and the research findings .
23 Show for each major class of depreciable asset the depreciation methods used and the useful lives or depreciation rates used .
24 Show for each major class of depreciable asset the depreciation methods used and the useful lives or depreciation rates used .
25 By the allocation of resources is meant the kinds and quantities of goods produced , the production methods used and the distribution of income to individuals to enable them to consume output .
26 The methods used and the pollution control systems fitted are sophisticated and provide a safe and sound disposal option , subject to rigorous operational controls and inspection .
27 The nurse discussed with Mrs Fellows the importance of taking short walks , not sitting with her legs crossed and the continued wearing of support hose in the pre-operative period .
28 The boy 's knees buckled and the air left his lungs in a small sigh .
29 We tried to avoid such adventures by sticking to the deeper channels and harbours , but some guests demanded we anchor in the shallower lagoons where the rays glided above the bright sand and the grey snappers schooled and the barracudas patrolled .
30 Just for her own satisfaction she pulled the very worst one she could think of — worse than any of Oz 's — with her cheeks blown out , her eyes crossed and the tip of her tongue protruding .
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