Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] go on " in BNC.

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1 It must have been terribly upsetting for you , ’ says Jeremy 's mouth , while his eyes say Go on , admit it , did n't you enjoy it , some of it ?
2 St Alban 's never had a player capped , though many of their lads have gone on to be decapitated , especially in internationals .
3 Individuals have gone on to work in support of bands such as Bon Jovi , to take part in national competitions , to form club acts and to undertake the musician 's bread and butter work playing in theatre bands .
4 So yeah , I du n no , things keep going on do n't they ?
5 Many writers have gone on to argue that such consensual preferences became even stronger once post-war reforms ensured a more representative structure through which citizens could contribute to the formation of a national consensus .
6 As a centre of philosophical activity , Edinburgh remains at the forefront in the British Isles , and many of its postgraduates have gone on to pursue academic careers around the world .
7 I could still run , so I turned up for football training and things have gone on from there .
8 And we gradually done our own church and things have gone on from there .
9 And things have gone on since then and the band still plays , er they have not the easiest task of finding people , because of change and so on , but er their families and friends and , and even some of the youngsters that learn at school that , a fireman 's friends and relatives have joined the band and they play out in the parks and they , and they play in the spar pavilion and they , they provide concerts for people , and Christmas times they play in the town .
10 And er , as I say , observing this and watching Hector 's work and how things have gone on over the years , er as you know , there 's been a tremendous revival of interest in driving , so many people have er , restored carts or had new ones built and erm the young farriers who 've never had the experience with driving horses , they have run into problems with erm , keeping them going soundly and overcoming problems which crop up when horses are driven on the road a lot .
11 An an and you know those sorts of things have to go on .
12 Give what I hope is curt nod , though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever .
13 Judo Club members have gone on to achieve competition success at Scottish national level , and even further afield .
14 However , it is questionable whether the doors of the family home should be closed to the criminal law when so many offences of wife-battering , child battering , and sexual abuse of wives and children seem to go on behind them .
15 Although most of our Nursery pupils do go on to the Junior and subsequently to the Senior School at Heriot 's , transfer is not automatic .
16 ‘ Seventy five per cent of our pupils have gone on to further education , mainly at Aquinas College , and we are delighted with their successes and commitment . ’
17 There are 230 pupils at the High Green school , founded by Quakers in 1841 , and although it does not enter competitive festivals , several of its musically-gifted pupils have gone on to bigger and better things with more than a little help from Mr Essex .
18 A few pupils have gone on in recent years to study Classics at universities including Oxbridge .
19 It is on the basis of this historical experience of modern social movements , and with the aid of concepts which were introduced in order to understand them , that social scientists and historians have gone on to study movements of a similar kind in other societies and periods ; for example , millenarian movements , peasant rebellions , the actions of ‘ crowds ’ and ‘ mobs ’ .
20 They 've been revolting for years under the surface and then some thing happens that make it possible course the continued revolutions have gone on through the world and because they 've seen the success of a revolution in Russia although we did n't know the full facts of it in the West , it was , it did establish a huge area in the wake of a revolution .
21 Garment workers , who were paid really bad wages and had a strike and struggled for union recognition , and I think that 's the thing that women have gone on doing over the years .
22 Unfortunately for competition policy , such evidence will invariably be lacking , and actual conduct is all that the authorities have to go on .
23 Illuminate your colleagues underestimate go on .
24 These are strategic alternatives which would capitalize on George and Marie 's strengths and minimize their weaknesses : it is the business of a case study answer to identify these alternatives and not just to assume that the proprietors have to go on as they started .
25 Similar struggles have gone on in many of the successor republics ( some are still firmly authoritarian ) and the nature of the executive-assembly relations that will finally be established is uncertain .
26 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
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